Zach (r)

780 29 2

this is a request for Mrs_Herr0n enjoy

Christmas morning!

The most wonderful day of the year right

That would be true however, for me and my family today is a sad day

my husband Zach has been touring around for the past few months and we haven't gotten to see him since

our son is 15 so he doesn't really need his dad on Christmas day but it's still nice to have him there

i have no idea when he will be home but i really hope it's soon

i wake up and immediately go into my sons room to wake him up as well

"wake up! Santa came" i say shaking him

"ugh mom go away" he groans

"honey it's time to get up it's Christmas. we need to open our gifts that Santa brought"

"mom i'm 15 i know Santa doesn't exist"

"sorry just come on. you need to open your gifts now"

"it's not like you could've gotten what i REALLY wanted"

"well what is that?"

"dad. it's not like he's going to jump out of a box and be here. that's the one thing i want"

"i'm sorry honey your dad will be home soon he can't help it that they got stuck in another country before Christmas"

"i know but he PROMISED me he would be here"

"okay well how about we call him and see what's going on. maybe there will be a Christmas miracle and he's coming soon"

"i doubt it"
We just got off the call with Zach and sadly they're still stuck

he said that his managers accidentally only got one ticket for someone to leave and they all did some game to see who leaves

and of course Zach lost

however he should be back tomorrow but it's just not going to be the same

at least we get to go to Zach's parents house for dinner and not cook anything

"i'm sorry he can't be here" i tell our son

"its okay mom we tried" he responds smiling

it's weird that he's smiling seeing as he was just sad during the call

but oh well he's a teenager they're weird

we both get ready for dinner and i drive to Zach's moms house

when we get there i notice an extra car in the driveway

"i didn't know grandma got a new car" i say outloud

"she didn't"

"huh?" i ask

"follow me"

he gets out of the car and takes out the key

"what are you doing?"

"get out of the car and close your eyes okay"

"what's happening"

"come on mom just do it"

"umm okay"

i reluctantly get out of the car and he puts his hands over my eyes

we begin to walk... somewhere and soon enough i notice we're inside

"can you move your hands now" i ask


we keep walking and i hear a bunch of people talking and then suddenly stop

i get turned around and my son takes his hands off my eyes

"don't turn around yet"

"this is weird"

i wait a little while more facing backwards and i hear noise coming in

i'm so confused but i did say i would stay turned

"can i turn around now" i ask

"yes in 3-2-1" he counts down

i turn around and immediately run right towards my husband who's standing right in front of me

"Zach! What are you doing here" i scream into his arms

everyone around us is aweing as he grabs my face and kisses me

"i missed you so much" he whispers

"i thought you were stuck"

"we were... two nights ago but we got an early flight and arrived here this morning"


"i know."

"did you know about this!" i say to my son

"mhm Dad called me after we hung up and he told me the plan"

"wow. i hate you guys!" i joke

"hey after eight months of tour i'm sure you don't hate me!"


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