Do you ever have those days where you feel like someone's watching you
You don't know who it is but you know it is someone
And then you turn around but no ones there
Yeah well today thats all you've been feeling
You're getting really worried but somewhere deep down you have a warm feeling about who this is
Y- hey Dani
D- hey
Y- I'm scared
D- oh no why what's wrong?
Y- I feel like someone is watching me... I don't like it and it's making me uncomfortable
D- aw man
Y- huh?
D- I thought I was being secretive
D- literally all day
D- in between classes
D- during classes
D- at lunch
D- after lunch
D- you know I am really surprised that you haven't caught on by now
D- even random people have realized
Y- you are absolutely creepy Daniel James Seavey
D- yeah well when I have a beautiful girl like you it's hard not to stare
Y- wow... you know you may be creepy but I love you