Today's the day. You are going to tell your crush of 5 years that you like him
You and Zach have been best friends since forever and you are super excited to tell him
Recently he's been talking about this girl he likes a lot and she matches you perfectly
You have a feeling it could be you and you really hope it is
"Hey Zach I have to tell you something" you tell him when you see him walk in
"Oh good you're here I have to tell you something too"
You guys walk over to your secluded area where you guys always sit and wait for the bell to ring for class
"You first" you tell him
"Okay so you know that girl I've been telling you about"
"Yeah what about her" you blush slightly imagining that he's going to tell you the same thing you were going to tell him
"Well I asked her out last night and we have a date tonight"
Your smile immediately turns into a frown and he notices
"Aren't you happy for me?" He asks
"Oh um yeah super what's her name"
"Oh well um I have to go now"
"But what were you going to tell me"
"It's nothing"
"No what is it come on you're my best friend you know you can tell me anything"
"There's that word" you mutter to yourself
"Nothing I-i have to go"
"But the bell hasn't rung-"
"I have to see y/f"
"Oh well I'll see you later right"
You leave him heartbroken and alone
It's been 5 months and you still are caught in your crush with ZachYou try to act not sad but it's really hard
You are currently with the rest of the boys and Zach and his girlfriend at a restaurant
You really want to hate his girlfriend but you can't. She's way too nice and you totally see why Zach would like her over you
"Omg y/n you look so pretty today I love your outfit" his girlfriend compliments you making it 10x harder
"Oh thank you you do too"
"Come sit next to me sorry babe I like her more" she says to Zach noticing his fake pout
You guys take your seats at the table and you already know it's going to be a long time seeing how they are flirting across the table making you and the boys uncomfortable
After a painful lunch of flirting from them you are ready to go home and take a nice napYou get home and get a call from Zach
"Hello?" You say answering
"I don't want r/g anymore I want you I always wanted you only you" he says in a panic
"Woah what"
"I saw how the others looked at you and realized I felt jealous. I didn't know why but I know now. I'm jealous cause I like you. I just broke up with r/g please say something"
"Y-you like me"
"Yes I do"
"You know how when you told me you asked her out"
"Not really why"
"Well I was going to say something but you told me about her and what I was going to say is I like you"
"D-do you still?"
"To be honest yes"
"Can we go on a date sometime maybe"
"I'd like that"