"Daddy is mommy going be okay" my 4 year old daughter asks her names gonna be Anna in this btw
"Yes baby she is"
"Do you promise. Cause I-I heard doctor say she really really sick. Is she g-going to die"
"Hey mommy's not going to die I promise you"
"NO SHES NOT GOING TO DIE" I yell and she covers her ears
"I sorry daddy don't yell at me"
A few months ago we found out that my wife has stage 4 breast cancer and that she only had 4 months left to live
And today is the 4 month mark
I'm so worried that she's going to die but I'm trying to be positive for my little girl
I didn't mean to yell at her but I just want to be strong
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to"
"When we see mommy?" She asks me
"We have to wait til-"
"Mr. Seavey" the doctor cuts me off and I quickly walk up to him
"Would you like to see Mrs. Seavey before she goes. She's feeling weak right now and we think it may be time" he sadly smiles and I nod
"Yes please"
I take my daughters hand and we follow the doctor to her room
He opens the door for us and we walk in
My heart breaks when I see my wife. She looks so pale and sick and I just want to take away her pain
"D-dani! A-anna" she whispers and we walk over to her
Anna sits on her lap and kisses her cheek
"Mommy you going be okay?"
"I hope"
I grab my wife's hand and hold it tightly
"You're going to be okay"
"I feel so weak Dani"
"Hey everythings going to be alright" I kiss her hand and a tear falls down her eye
"Momma don't cry" Anna says wiping it
"I-I'm sorry"
"Don't be sorry baby"
"No not about that. Im sorry I'm not the best mom or wife. I'm sorry I won't be there for your first day of school or for our 10 year wedding anniversary. I'm sorry these past months I haven't been able to comfort you guys. I-I'm an awful person I deserve this"
"Shh dont say that. You are the best mom and wife ever. You won't physically be there for those things but you will still be there spiritually. You don't deserve this no one does. You are an awesome awesome person and I'm so happy I met you."
"I just wish I was going to be there for you guys."
"Hey we love you no matter what"
"Promise me you both will move on"
"No promise me please. You both deserve to move on and feel happy"
"Fine I promise"
"I love you guys"
"We love you too"
Anna kisses her cheek and she kisses her back
She whispers something into Anna's ear and she sniffles but nods
Soon Anna sits in my lap and I turn to my wife to kiss her
"I love you Dani. You're the best husband ever and I love you the most. I will be watching you from wherever I am. When you look at the sky just know I'm looking down at you. When Anna's older please give her my ring to keep. I love you both and I will never ever ever forget you. I want you to move on but don't forget about me when I'm gone"
"Never. You are unforgettable. I love you so much baby girl" I kiss her deeply and unfortunately I feel her slowly die in my arms
However I will not stop kissing her
This is the last time ever and I hate that
I will miss her lips
I will miss you y/n
I will miss everything about you and I love you forever and ever just like I said on our wedding day
*12 years later*Its been 12 years and I still miss you everyday
However, I don't miss the small squeezes I feel on my shoulder or the light brezze that I feel when all the doors and windows are closed
"Yes Anna"
"I miss mom"
"I miss her too"
Anna misses you too
But she knows you're healthier and happier now
You weren't in her life for that long but she still feels a strong connection
Sometimes I hear her cry during the middle of the night
It hurts me to know I can't help her
But I know one day we'll all meet again
"Remember when she died"
"I could never forget that day"
"Well she told me something that I could never forget"
"Well what did she tell you"
"She said 'when I'm gone make sure daddy isn't sad. Whenever he looks sad hug him. I don't want him ever being sad because of me. I also don't want you to ever be sad. I'm always going to watch you and protect you. If you're sad tell daddy and I know he'll help you because he loves you. I love you both so much and I know you both love me'"
"I know"
"Well she was right. I will help you no matter what"
"I love you dad you're the best person ever"
"I love you too"
hey i know this was a serious one or whatever but i wanted to make an "announcement"it's not really but anyways
i will now do requests
if you want one just tell me a few things
your name
a description of how you look
which boy
what you want to happen in it
anything else you can think
so yeah you can comment on this or any imagine in here or you can dm it to me
i'm running out of space on this book so i won't be doing any more requests