"ugh I hate my nose" you scream to yourself thinking you're alone
you are looking at yourself in the mirror just looking at everything you hate about it
to you, your nose is huge while everything else is too small
if only your nose was smaller than you would feel pretty
"did I hear you say you hate something about yourself?" you hear your boyfriend Jack say
you turn to face him and look away from him embarrassed
"no, I was saying how I love something"
"hmm. I'm pretty sure I heard you say you hate your nose"
"I didn't though! why is there something wrong with my nose is that why you thought that!"
"babe I heard you... and I don't know why you don't like your nose it's perfect"
"ugh it's huge Jack"
"It isn't I like it"
"Yeah, I don't though... I'm thinking of getting a nose job"
"Woah Woah Woah what!"
"I hate it Jack... and I'm thinking of getting a nose job"
"I mean if you think it's what you need to make yourself feel better then I'll support you. but I don't think you need it"
"well I'm going to look into it"
it's been a few days since you told Jack about the possible nose job and today you and Jack are going to a consultation to talk about ityou are super excited while Jack still has his doubts
"So why do you want to get this done?" the doctor asks
you explain that it doesn't fit your face and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own body
you also have some breathing issues with it that you mention
the doctor listens and says that he will be able to do your surgery and shows you a picture of what it might look like
it looks nice and you make an appointment
"well I'll see you on October 5th"
"Thank you so much!" you say and you and Jack leave the office
"I'm so excited!" you squeal grabbing Jacks hand walking to your car
"I'm going to miss your nose now"
"I promise you Jack you won't"
"can't you just be happy for me? I'm excited about this and I've been wanting it done forever"
"I'm sorry y/n I just think you're beautiful the way you are and I just want you to know that"
"well thank you but it just makes me feel bad that I'm getting it done"
"don't feel bad. I'm so sorry I'll be way more supportive"
"thank you I love you"
"I love you too"
it's now time for your surgery and you're excited but nervousyou're excited to finally get a new job but nervous it won't look good
ever since the first consultation Jack has been super supportive of you and has been making you extra excited
"well Jack the next time I see you I'll be a different, more beautiful person," you say on the stretcher about to go into the surgery
"you're still beautiful now but you'll be even more. I love you" he kisses you and you smile
"I love you too! bye"
you guys kiss one more time and you're wheeled away
"baby wake up" Jack whispers to youyou slowly wake up, a wave of pain immediately rushing to your face
"ow" you whisper
"hey, y/n..." Jack whispers again
you turn to him and smile
"you're all done with your surgery"
"ooo how do I look"
"you have bandages on so I'm not sure but even with them you look beautiful"
"can I see?"
he shows you a mirror and you can see that it looks a little bit smaller
"oh I think I'm going to look beautiful"
"you already do"
"aw, I love you. kiss me!"
"The doctors told me I can't"
"The doctors said I'm not allowed to kiss you until you're all healed"
"that's not fair! what if we sneak one"
"I don't want to harm it"
"I don't care."