"hey so um I was just sitting over there with my um friends and I uh couldn't stop looking at you... um so yeah I just think youre uh really pretty um bye" the stranger with striking blue eyes tells you quickly running away
"what just happened" you ask your friends excitedly as he walks away from you
"I dont know but hes cute" your friend y/f/1 says
"hey hes mine" you jokingly say
"okay okay you can have him jeez" she says laughing and rolling her eyes
"well what do I do now"
"easy write a cute note hand it to him and come back here and see what he does" your other friend y/f/2 says
"omg thats great I just need something to write with"
"oooo go get a napkin theyre right next to him" your other and final friend Y/f/3 suggests
"ooo true ill be right back"
you get up and walk to the napkins giving the mystery boy a smile as you walk by
you sit back down and get a pen out and write a note
"pretty eyes (xxx)xxx-xxxx"
"is this cute" you ask
"definitely" your friends all agreeingly say
"well um now im scared"
"hey it will be fine just pretend youre cool and not nervous and just hand it to him and then walk away no words needed" y/f/2 says
"but first... turn around and look at him, smile, and turn back around and then get up" y/f/1 responds
"see this is why you guys have boyfriends youre good at this"
"well see getting them to notice and like you is the hard part and you've already gotten through that" y/f/2 says
"ugh im so scared but im going to do it now"
"good you got this" they say supportively
you take your friends advice and turn around and look at him while smiling
"welp bye Ill be back" you say standing up
you walk over to the table and slide the napkin over to him
"text me" you smoothly say smirking and walking away
you sit back down and you and your friends fangirl over what just happened. you just flirted for the first time without being totally awkward
"omg I cant believe I just did that"
"see we told you it was going to be easy"
"lets just hope he texts me"
"he definitely will I mean he is blushing super crazy right now and his friends have his phone"
you turn around and all his friends are huddled around his phone possibly composing of a text to send
the boys all smile setting the phone and sitting back down. as soon as you see that your phone vibrates and turns on
"omg someone look im scared"
"its the kid omg text him back now"
you get your phone and unlock it opening the text
?- hey beautiful, its me Daniel we should go on a date sometime
"omg guys what do I say it has to be flirtatious"
"uhh um OH say 'maybe I just have to check with my boyfriend first'" y/f/1 says
"but I dont have a boyfriend"
"exactly then he'll be like oh you have a boyfriend and you'll hit him with the well if this date goes well I will"
"oooo I like that" you say
y- maybe let me check with my boyfriend first
d- oh... you have a boyfriend?
y- if our date goes well
d- ohhhhh I get it so is that a yes
y- its not a no
d- I dont understand
y- smh its a yes I will go on a date with you
d- oh perfect... like you
you smile and feel yourself blushing
"omg what did he say" y/f/3 says excitedly
"he called me perfect" you respond smiling
"awwww" all of your friends say loudly causing a few people to look over
"well my friends I think its time we leave cause if we stay any longer ill probably do something embarrassing"
you guys get up and walk out of the Starbucks throwing your trash away and smiling at 'Daniel' as you leave
But right before you perfectly make it out you pull the push door
Next is a sister smut so get your holy water ready