Request for AbbyGrant8
hope you like it
*7 A.M*"beep beep beep" my alarm screams for the 8th time next to me and my boyfriend
"snooze it" daniel whispers
"babe we've already snoozed it"
"do it again"
"no dani its time to wake up"
"no Abby it's time to sleep"
"ugh you're so lazy" i say rolling my eyes
"sorry i'm tired"
"we've been sleeping since 5 pm yesterday how are you tired"
"i just am. Can we just stay in bed all day please"
"no we need to get up. you have two meetings soon"
"i'll tell them i can't make it. now come on"
"we at least have to get out of bed"
"can we stay in these clothes"
"sure but get out of bed now. i'm going to go make breakfast"
i leave our room and begin to make breakfast
as it making it i soon feel arms around me and a face in my neck
"mmm baby what are you making?"
"bacon and eggs if you want"
"mm i do"
i finish making breakfast and we go to the couch
"this tastes amazing"
"thank you. so what are we going to do today since you don't want to go to the meetings"
"we're going to just watch movies all day and then take out for dinner and sleep"
"so basically we're doing nothing"
"exactly. every day we do something important or boring where we have to leave the house. today i just want a relaxed day with you watching movies"
"well that does seem nice"
"exactly so that means we both need to turn off our phones i want no distractions"
"you're really serious about this"
"of course i am"
we've been watching movies for a while and i am super tired"dani can we take a break from these and nap"
"of course. bed or couch"
"bed please"
he says okay and gets up
i smile and raise my arms and he laughs getting the hint
he picks me up and brings us to our room
"lay with me" i say pouting once he puts me down
"i was about to, give me some time"
Daniel finally lays down with me and i smile pulling him towards me
"i love you" i tell him putting my head on his shoulder
"i love you more. have you had a good day"
"mhm it's been a very nice one"
"see i knew we needed this."
"well thank you we should do this a lot more"
"we definitely will. now come on let's nap"