Corbyn (r)

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This is a request but they wanted to be anonymous. I wrote all the rest of the imagines so I can't do any more

I made it a little bit different from the original prompt
"wow Corbyn you're really good at that editing stuff," some random intern tells Corbyn, my boyfriend

"oh thanks, I've been producing more and practicing"

"well it really shows... I'll see you later on right"

"yeah see you"

she leaves the room and I look at Corbyn

"who's that?" I ask

"some intern her names r/g"

"Does she always flirt with you?"

"no why?"

"just wondering. does she know you have a girlfriend"

"I'm not sure she just was hired like a month ago"

"hmm okay. so I'll see you at home right?"

"yeah of course I might be a little late"
I've been walking around the studio for a little bit waiting for my shift to be over when I see that girl going into Corbyn's room

me being the protective girlfriend I am I follow and creep a little bit outside

"hey Corbyn it's me again I have a question" I hear her say

"what is it?"

"who was that girl earlier in here?"

"oh that's my girlfriend Kylie why"

"she was staring me down the whole time but that makes sense. is she jealous of all girls"


"Just curious"

"I mean sometimes but I'm fine with it"

"interesting. well bye see you later... again" she giggles

"uh bye?"

she leaves and I quickly pretend to walk by

as I'm walking by I text Corbyn

K- hey I'm going home I'll see you later

C- okay I'll be a little bit late

K- why?

C- I have to stay back a little

hmm interesting cause that girl said see you later

oh well I'm sure it's nothing
it's been a while and Corbyn isn't home

I'm getting worried because normally he would be home two hours ago

I call him and he answers, however, I hear laughing in the background

"hey," he says also laughing

"Corbyn! Where the fuck are you! it's 2 A.M!"

"Woah relax I'm at the studio"

"you said you were going to be home"

"I said I'll be a little bit late"

"2 A.M is not a little bit late, are you even coming home?"

"yeah, I was planning on it. I'm sorry we just got caught up here"

"whatever... who are you with"

"just the boys... oh and r/g is here"

"of course she is."

"what does that mean?"

"nothing just please come home soon"

"I'll try to leave okay"

"thank you"
It is now 3 PM and he just got home

by now I'm in bed sitting up waiting for him to come in

I'm super angry that he is so late AND he was hanging out with that girl

he walks in the room and I just stare at him, making him jump from being scared

"look who decided to come home"

"holy shit babe! you scared me!"

"yeah well you scared me by not being home"

"I'm sorry we had to stay later"

"all night! and why were you all laughing and why was r/g there"

"she's friends with us so she stayed. we were on a small break too"

"I'm friends with you guys I'm MORE than friends with you guys"

"I'm sorry you were already home"

"so! be honest with me Corbyn... do you like her"

"what! no way! I love you I swear"

"then why were you with her," I say sadly

"I promise you I wasn't with her alone"

"you could've texted me"

"I'm sorry"

"Whatever I'm going to bed" I lay down and turn away from him

I soon feel his hand on me and I push it away

"Leave me alone"

"baby, please. I don't like her at all we're just really busy with everything so I had to stay late. plus Jack has a crush on her and I wouldn't do that to him OR you my real girlfriend. that's why she was there, he invited her" he tells me and I turn back around towards him

"promise me you love me and won't like her"

"I promise you, and next time we have a late-night I'll make sure you're there. I love you okay"

"I love you too"

"Are you still mad at me? can I lay with you"

"I'm not mad and yes you can"

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