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"wow it's really bad out there" Corbyn tells you looking outside the window

"i know i can hear it"

"so y/n are you going to stay over then?" Jonah asks you

you went over your best friends house for the night and while you were hanging out with them it started raining

you didn't think anything of it however now it is really bad

"if i can. i mean it's going to be bad to drive"

"you can stay... wait we don't have any more rooms" Jack says

"i'll sleep on the couch"

"we're not going to let a girl sleep on the couch. sleep with one of us"

"woah i know we're friends but we're not that type" you joke and they all roll your eyes

"yeah nevermind you're sleeping on the couch"

"hey you're mean! anyways really where am i going to sleep"

"I have the biggest bed you can sleep with me" corbyn says

"okay but be warned i'm a kicker"

"a kicker?" he asks

"yup my ex always used to say i would kick him in the middle of the night... but don't worry that was because i knew he was cheating you'll be fine" you smile and he shakes his head
you are about to go to sleep but you don't have any clothes to sleep in

"Um corbyn..." you say


"do you have any shirt or something i can wear. i have my leggings but this shirt isn't very comfortable"

"of course. it gets cold so here's a hoodie"

he hands you the hoodie and you change into it

it's super comfortable and you're so ready for bed

once you are ready, you and corbyn go on opposite sides of the bed and start to watch tv

while you're watching tv the rain is getting louder and Corbyn is scared

"are you okay?" you ask him as you notice him shaking

"i-i don't like the rain... it's scary" he mumbles

"do you need something to help you feel better?"

"yeah but it's stupid"

"what is it? whatever it is i'll get you i don't want you to be scared"

"i just need a hug"

"aw come here"

he moves closer to you and you put your arms around him

he puts his head under your neck and you hug him tight

"are you better now?" you ask

"kind of umm do you mind if we turn off the tv and go to bed"

"of course not" you turn off the tv and get more comfortable in bed

he goes back into the old position and before you say anything you notice he fell asleep. once you notice this you smile looking at him

truth is you have the biggest crush on corbyn and all of this happening is super exciting to you

"i'm glad you're sleeping right now so i can confess this... but i really like you" you whisper

"i really like you too"
i don't know

i need requests lol

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