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"WHERE IS SHE!" Zach screams running into the hospital

you and Zach were at a restaurant and when you went up to go to the bathroom you accidentally slipped on some water that was spilt and you went crashing to the floor

there was so much water that when you fell you dropped right on your head and became unconscious

Zach tried waking you up but once he couldn't get a response he called for an ambulance

while they were coming Zach was angrily talking to the manager

"woah sir you need to calm down what's wrong"

"i need to know where my girlfriend is! she-she fell at dinner and they said she was coming here!"

"what's her name?"

"y/n y/l/n"

"and who are you"

"Zach Herron she's my girlfriend i told you this"

"sir again you need to calm down she's going to be okay. she just came in a few minutes ago she's in hospital room 230. but they're working on her so you're going to need to wait"

"working on her! what do you mean"

"they're checking to see if she's okay. as soon as they know i'll make sure they tell you okay"

"okay thank you i just need her to be okay"

"she will be"

Zach goes to sit down and breathes

while he's waiting, in the hospital room they're trying to get you to wake up

however you aren't. they check the back of your head and there's a big gash with blood running out of it

they quickly cover the wound with pressure and realize that what's going on is much more serious then they thought

back in the waiting room Zach is pacing around making everyone else go crazy

"sir can you please sit down" the receptionist says to him and he walks over to her

"it's been 10 minutes and i haven't heard anything! if she passed out shouldn't she be awake"

"i don't know what's going on either again when i find out i'll tell you"
after hours of waiting from both the doctors and zach, you still haven't woken up

Zach is now the only person in the waiting room and is very stressed

"can someone please tell me what's going on with her" he says to the receptionist

"i'll ask okay. it doesn't normally take this long for them to figure stuff out"

before she looks into it the Doctor comes out

"is anyone here for y/n y/l/n?" he asks and Zach runs up to him


"woah sir relax. We have some good and bad news about her"

"o-okay umm what are they"

"The good news is she is alive and will be ok. However the bad news is, she's still unconscious and lost a lot of blood"

"wh-what does that mean"

"it means she's going to be fine and will wake up soon"

"and when will she?"

"we aren't very sure but you can come and see her"

they walk over to your hospital room and go in

Zach immediately goes over to you and grabs your hand

"hi baby. i-i hope you'll wake up soon i miss you terribly and I love you so much. please wake up. your birthdays soon and i had a lot ready and-and-"

"zach!" you suddenly wake up and look at him

"omg babe you're here!"

"what happened"

"you slipped at the restaurant and you passed out and bled everywhere"

"am i okay?"

"yes... we get to go home tomorrow. so how do you feel"

"weird. like i'm so confused what's going on."

"here let me explain the whole story"

he explains everything to you and you finally understand

"ugh i'm sorry i ruined your night"

"hey no you didn't i'm just glad you're safe and okay. i love you"

"i love you too can you lay down with me i want to cuddle"

"aww you love cuddling with me huh"

"mhm plus my head hurts and it needs you to play with it's hair"
lol idk

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