Y- babe I'm sad
Y- babe
Y- baby
Y- Corbyn
Y- forget it you don't care
C- woah y/n it's 1 A.M whats going on
Y- oh I'm just sad but it's no big deal
C- why are you sad
Y- cause you don't love me
C- what are you talking about of course I love you
Y- no you don't
C- babe you're going insane
Y- no I'm not you just don't love me
C- okay whatever y/n
Y- wait no come back
C- now you want me
Y- I love you
C- are you okay
Y- no I'm sad
C- okay you're being weird so I'm coming over
You smile and put your phone down waiting for Corbyn to show up and cure your boredom
To be honest you're not sad at all you just use that as your excuse to get him to come over
You miss him a lot and you can't sleep so why not fix both of those things by falling asleep with him
Now yes you could've simply texted him saying you miss him but one he probably would've just said he missed you as well and wouldn't come over and two what's the fun in that
Soon enough you hear your door shut and footsteps up your stairs
You put your sad face on and wait for him to come in
He opens the door and his heart drops at the sight of your "sadness"
"Aw baby you really are sad" he whispers
"Corby you're here" you whisper acting as you just woke up
"Yeah you were scaring me over text"
He crawls into your bed with you and wraps his arms around you turning you to face him
"You know I love you right"
"I don't know"
"Well I do. I love you so much never forget that"
"Hehe it worked"
"What?" He asks at your random sentence
"I missed you so I pretended I was sad so you'd come over"
"Of course you did"
"At least you know I love you" I laugh and we go to sleep together
Sorry about that awful ending