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"hey babe what are you doing tonight?" you ask on the phone with your boyfriend

"nothing much why?"

"well i have a dance competition and i was wondering if you could come and see it. you don't have to watch the whole thing just at least the dance"

"i'll be there"


"of course i love watching you dance"

"yay well i'll see you then."

"see you. good luck and i'll see you once it's over"

"okay bye"
you're on your way to the dance competition and everyone on your team is super excited

except for you. you're super nervous because you're the only one with a solo and if you don't get first they will all be mad at you

y- hey Jo i'm nervous

j- don't be you're going to be great

y- what if i lose, everyone's going to hate me

j- i promise you they won't. by the way when you get to the competition and everything's settled go to the front of the place area

y- why

j- i have a surprise DUH

y- what is it

j- what's the surprise in telling you
you and your team get to the competition and your nerves are through the roof

you quickly get to your dressing room and get ready

once everyone's ready you start to practice your solo and you do it perfectly

everyone claps and you relax a little before you have to go on

y- hey jo i'm going on very soon so i can't see you

j- that's okay i'll still be waiting for you i'm in my seat rn and i may or may not be in the front row

y- oh god i'm even more nervous now
it's now time for you to go on and you're actually kind of ready

you take a deep breath as the announcer announces your dance

you walk onto the stage and get ready for the music to start

it's starts and you of course do your dance

however as you get to a very intricate trick you slip and fall right on top of your ankle making it snap

everyone gasps and even the people make the music stop but you continue to dance through the awful pain

finishing your dance you hop off the stage and there's a medic waiting for you

they give you ice and quickly pull you out of the competition

as you're being dragged out of the place you see Jonah running after you

"wait wait! that's my girlfriend wait please" he chases after the stretcher but he's not fast enough

"can you slow down so my boyfriend can come with me please!" they slow down and Jonah catches up

"oh my god are you okay?" he asks you

"look at my ankle and tell me"

"okay okay sorry"

"i can't believe i lost it for my team"

"don't worry about them im sure they won't care. also you did amazing and you still danced through the pain. you're a winner no matter what"

"thanks jo"

"of course. and now i win"


"well now i get to take care of you and i get to be with you until you're healed so who's the real winner"
if you've requested an imagine and i haven't posted it yet please tell me i can't remember all the ones i need to do but i know i need to do some

just let me know if i haven't posted yours yet

or if you want to request one here's what i need

your name


a description of how you look

which boy

what you want to happen in it

anything else you can think

again if i haven't posted yours and you requested it a while go please either respond to this OR dm me thank you

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