You come home from a LONG day of school, and to make it worse you have a lot of math homework. Math is your absolute LEAST favorite class ever. What you're learning and your teacher make everything much worse.
When you come home you sit down on your couch and do your very confusing homework. You dont understand whats happening so you text your friends asking what to do. they dont answer you so you try to find some help on google.
While searching on google your door bursts open and in comes your boyfriend Corbyn running in the door with his 4 best friends, Jack, Daniel, Jonah, and Zach.
They are all running around the house chasing each other. Eventually, they go in their rooms and Corbyn sits down next to you.
"Hey, whatcha doin'" he asks
"homework...unfortunately. But its confusing and i don't know what i am doing, and i am stressing over it because i have a quiz soon"
"aw don't worry ill help you" he says
for the next hour he helps you with the homework and you finish it. You kind of understand it and you put it away.
"okay now go get ready" he says when you put your stuff down
"wait what" you say confused
"we're going on a date. you said you were stressed"
"yeah but im also tired i just want to sleep"
"you can sleep after, come on"
"fine" you say hesitantly walking to your room to change
you choose two outfits you want to wear but you cant decide
"which shirt" you ask Corbyn
"either they'll both look great"
"ugh you aren't helping"
"sorry but seriously you'll look beautiful in either." he says
you choose one and put it on.
"hows this" you say walking down the stairs
"perfect" he says
you guys leave the house and go in his car
"so where are we going" you ask
"y/f/r (your fav restaurant)" he says smiling
you guys get to the restaurant and walk in. you go into the bathroom while Corbyn puts his name get out of the bathroom and walk over to where Corbyn is sitting. He's sitting down waiting for us to get called. When you sit down next to him you notice the people in front of you are your friends from earlier with people that hate you.
"why are they staring at you" Corbyn says noticing them looking at you
"i know them. theyre my friends"
"oh but why do they look so shocked"
"oh well the people they are with hate me. and they probably are shocked because out of all places to be we're in the same place. oh and they weren't answering me earlier so they're probably think its awkward"
"well them staring is more awkward."
"i know they're acting like children but oh well. i don't care" you say
for the next 10 minutes they're just staring at you and Corbyn but you guys just talking like normal. you can see that the people in front of you guys are bothered by something
"this is getting annoying if they dont stop staring i swear" you whisper to Corbyn
before he says anything they call you guys and you get seated. 5 minutes after you guys are seated your friends and the people from before get sat right next to you guys
"of course" you say
"hey we can make this fun"
"how??" you ask
"well whoever gets them the most annoyed wins.. something"
"i see i like that that seems fun"
for the rest of the night you and Corbyn try to get them as annoyed as possible. by the end of the night you've heard them say they're annoyed by you guys about 10 times. You guys end up leaving first"hmm i wonder if my friends are going to text back" you say towards them while you're leaving
Corbyn laughs and shakes his head at how awkward you made it and you guys leave the restaurant
"wow that was great" he says still laughing
"it was also really awkward."
"haha well i guess that means you won" he says as you guys get back to the house
You get inside and you ask "so what did i win"
"The best reward of them all... me" he twirls you around and kisses you
"Aw how cute... but seriously whats my reward"