"BABE!! YOU GOT MAIL" Daniel yells to you
you rush downstairs and grab all the letters out of his hand
"woah babe chill. what's the mail about?"
"it's all my college letters. they're gonna tell me if i got in"
"ooo that's fun"
you and daniel walk over to your couch and sit down with each other
"how many do you have?"
you put the letters in alphabetical order and take the first one
"you open it for me"
he takes it and opens it
"do you want me to read it"
"yes please"
"okay it says. congratulations y/n you have been accepted"
"YAY!! one down 5 more to go"
he opens the next two and they're both acceptance letters
"omg three in a row!"
"i'm proud let's see if the rest are too"
he opens the next two and sure enough you were accepted into the college
you are surprised that so far all of your applications were accepted
however now it's the last one and this is the one school that you absolutely WANTED THE MOST
"can i read this one"
"of course"
he hands it to you and you stare at it
"open it"
"i need to prepare myself for a no"
"babe don't say that"
"but if don't get in i need to be ready to accept it"
"you're going to get in now open i'm waiting"
you roll your eyes and open the letter
before you look at the words you hand it to daniel
"you read it"
"no babe it's yours you open it"
"i already opened it by YOU need to read it"
"no you read it. this could be the start of a new life for you"
"i don't want a new life for me i already have a perfect one with you"
"just read it y/n"
"i'm scared"
"i know but you just have to rip the bandaid off"
"that hurts"
"ugh fine"
you take back the letter and open it
it says you got accepted but you want to mess with daniel
"so what does it say?"
"i didn't make it"
"oh i'm sorry"
he sits close to you and hugs you
"it's okay you got into the other ones"
"but i wanted that one"
you get up from the couch and walk up to your room leaving daniel alone
after a few minutes of waiting in your room, you hear daniel running up the stairs
"babe! you did get in" he says walking in the room
"i know i was just messing with you"
made this because i've been applying to a bunch of colleges