D- Hey I'm getting bored
Y- what do you mean bored? Bored of me?
D- no no of course not. Relax. I mean my hair. I kinda want to switch it up
Y- like get a hair cut? or grow it out?
D- no I was actually thinking about dyeing it
Y- really?!?!
D- yeah
Y- omg can you do it blonde please
D- blonde? Are you sure
Y- yes please do blonde do blonde DO BLONDE
D- okay okay I'll dye it blonde... wanna help me
Y- omg yes go to the store and buy the color and come to my house
D- okay :)))) I'm so excited
Y- me tooooooo
"IM HERE!!!!!" Daniel shouts walking into your houseYou go downstairs and give him a hug, putting the bags with the hair dye down
"Ready?" You ask
"Ready as I'll ever be."
"Well go sit down I'll get everything ready"
He sits down and you start to open the package
Getting everything out and ready you walk over to Daniel and put a towel over his neck
"This is going to be so fun" you say kissing the top of his head
You mix up the dye into the bowl and put it next to him
"Yeah. I'm a little nervous though"
He sighs and you sit down on his lap facing him
"Look at me" you say
He looks at you and you kiss him
"You're going to look amazing don't be nervous"
"What if everyone hates it"
"Who cares what they think. As long as you like it that's all that matters. Your opinion is the only one that's valid about your hair"
"What if I don't like it."
"Then my opinion is the only one and my opinion is it's going to look so good."
"Okay let's do it"
You kiss him and smile getting up to start his hair
"Well it starts now" you put a mirror in front of him, and put on gloves
Taking some of the dye you apply it to his hair
"Well there's no turning back now"
"Wow dani it looks great"You finished dyeing his hair and after blow drying and washing it, he's done
"I love it thank you so much"
"Of course now come on I wanna take pictures of you"
"Okay" he laughs and you leave the house
"Let's go to the beach" you suggest and he nods
You drive down to the beach and walk outside
"Oooo it looks even better in the sun" you say staring at the hair as you get to a port off the side of the beach
"Speaking of the sun it's going to set soon so just take the pictures"
"Wow this hair is making you smart"
He rolls his eyes but you can still see his smile
After taking countless of pictures and him posting a few on insta
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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. you guys go out to the water and lay down on a towel on the sand to watch the sun set
"Thank you again for dyeing my hair for me"
"You're welcome. It really looks amazing I love it"
"I love you" he smiles and you kiss him laying your head on his shoulder
"Hey y/n?" He whispers
You look up at him and smile
"Yes dani"
"My hair looks amazing and this sunset is beautiful but nothing looks better than you"
"Aw you're so cute" you grab his face and kiss him
"I love you" he tells you
"I love you too my blonde boy"