C- Hey you, go put on something semi fancy like a dress
Y- why?
C- cause we're going out on a fancy date
Y- but why
C- cause I want to take my beautiful girlfriend of 6 years on a date am I allowed to
Y- i mean sure I was just confused
C- well anyways I'll be over in an hour
Y- how about 3
C- we have reservations
Y- oof super fancy but still I need 3 hours to get ready
C- no you don't
Y- yesss I do I have to find a dress and do my makeup
C- baby you're beautiful without makeup
Y- no I'm not
C- yesss you are
Y- I'm really not but okay I have to go get ready now
C- ok see you soon
Y- see ya
You plug your phone on the charger and start to get ready
Corbyn never takes you on fancy dates so this is weird
Normally you guys just go to fast food places or movies
And the only times you go to fancy places are on anniversaries and birthdays
You're fine with it because as long as you're with Corbyn nothing else really matters
All you need is food, fun, and your man and you're good
You find a pretty dress and start your makeup
"Damn babe you look hot"
You look up and see Corbyn standing at your door frame
"Hey" you smile and continue your make up
He walks over and kisses the top of your head
"Seriously you look beautiful"
"Thank you. How much time do we have til we have to go"
"30 minutes you have time"
"Okay good I gotta look perfect"
He laughs and watches you finish your makeup
"Wow you're gorgeous"
"I'm sorry you're just wow I'm in love with you"
"Hey I'm just being a good boyfriend"
"Ugh just let me finish"
You roll your eyes and finally finish your makeup
"All done"
"Good let's go" he smiles and takes your hand
You put on your red heels and get in the car for the restaurant
"Corbyn this is way too fancy" You complain"I know that's why i took you here" he smirks and walks out of the car
He quickly runs to your door and opens it
"You're embarrassing" you laugh and take his hand that's extended out to you
"And that's okay"
You laugh and walk into the restaurant
"You look even more pretty here" Corbyn says staring at you while you look at the menu"Corbyn! Look at the menu and stop staring"
"Sorry sorry. So what are you going to get?"
"I don't know I'm trying to find the cheapest thing on here but literally everything is over 60 dollars. Maybe I should just get water"
"Seriously" he stares at you and you shrug
"Hey I'm just trying to make your wallet happy"
"And I'm trying to make you happy. So find what you want and don't even look at the price. Actually no give me your menu"
"Just give it to me. You're obviously just looking at the price and not the item"
"Well I can't order something if I don't have a menu"
"Give it to me I have a plan"
You sigh and hand it to him
"Now I'm going to read these things to you and you are going to say if you like it or not. If you like it you order it and let me deal with the money"
"Why are you doing this?"
"Cause I love you. And I want today to be special"
"But why it's just a random Wednesday"
"That's what you think" he whispers but you still hear
After much deciding you and Corbyn finally order your mealsYou're really worried that it's going to be really expensive and he'll get mad at you
But at the same time Corbyn's never been mad at you. It's normally you mad at him and him doing everything in his power to make you less mad
Your food eventually arrives and it's delicious
You can only guess how expensive it's going to be
"Do you like it?" Corbyn asks
"Yes I really do. No offense but I may like it more than I like you"
"Wow I'm offended" he laughs and you continue to eat your amazing meal
You guys finish your meals and Corbyn's acting suspiciousHe looks really anxious making you confused
"Are you okay?" You ask putting your hand on top of his
"Yeah I'm fine. I-im just- well you know what I should just finish this now. So um first I love you"
"Aw I love you too."
"And well we've been dating for forever and i can't believe you're still mine. I'm an idiot most of the time and I know you get annoyed with me but that's what I love about our relationship. I can be stupid and you can still love me. You're absolutely perfect and every day that I wake up with you in my arms I am in shock that it wasn't a dream. You are literally my dream girl. Not only are you physically so perfect and beautiful but you're so kind and caring inside and that's what I love about you. Well I love many things about you. I have so much more to say but I just don't know how to express how much I love you and what I love about you. Anyways i can't wait to be with you forever and I hope you feel the same. So y/n y/m/n y/l/n please make me the happiest human on the face of this planet and be y/n Besson. Will you marry me?" He gets on his knee and you stare at him in shock
You cover your mouth and nod
He smiles putting the ring on your finger as everyone in the restaurant claps
"I love you"
This was weak