It has been a year since you graduated high school and you haven't seen your friends in a long time.
They all were free and wanted to hang out so they invited you out to dinner.
They said that you could bring your boyfriend if you wanted and you said yes because they never met you.
"Hey are you ready to go" Jonah calls for you
"one more minute I have to find my shoes" you respond back
"I'll help you" he says walking in the room
You look for the shoes and when you find them you put them on.
You guys are going to a fancy restaurant so you're wearing heels that you can surprisingly walk in. They make you 3 inches shorter than Jonah.
"Okay I'm ready now" you say putting on the second shoe standing up
"Wow.. you um amazing" he says looking you up and down multiple times
"You don't look too bad yourself." You say leaving your room
"Okay boys we're leaving if you need anything don't" Jonah says to the boys
"Have fun and bring back some food I'm starving" zach says
You guys laugh and then go into the car and leave
"I'm so nervous" you say while driving
"I haven't seen these people in so long and they see each other everyday it's going to be awkward"
"Well I'm just meeting them but I'm sure it'll be fine" he says
"This is exactly how I felt when you introduced me to the boys. Nervous but excited"
"And now you're friends with all of them so. You're good with meeting people and these people you've already known"
You guys get to the restaurant and park
"Ugh I'm so scared" you say before you get out of the car
"It's going to be fine I'm sure" Jonah says to you
You get out of the car and walk in the restaurant
"Woah this is way more fancy then I expected. I feel underdressed" you say examining everyone else's dresses compared to yours
"I feel like I need a tie or something" Jonah says
"You look fine."
"You do too"
"Well then good thing you think so cause that's all that matters"
He takes your hand and you walk in the waiting area to find your friends
They see you and walk over hugging you
"Omg y/n I haven't seen you in forever" your friend says hugging you
"I know I missed you" you say back
You say hi and hug the others and you can't find Jonah. Then you turn around and see him in the corner
You walk over to him
"Come on Jonah I have to introduce you" you say taking his hand and bringing him to your friends"And who is this" your friend asks referring to Jonah
"Oh this is Jonah. Jonah this is y/f/1, y/f/2, y/f/3, and their boyfriends."
"Hi nice to meet you I'm Jonah" he says kinda awkwardly