"UGH WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN" you yell in the car trying to untangle your headphones
"See that's why you should just get AirPods"
"Jack shut up. I don't need you telling me this now"
This always happens. You're listening to music and then you look down and suddenly your headphones are all tangled and practically choking you.
To top it all off your annoying but hot boyfriend always makes fun of you for having "dinosaur headphones"
"I'm just saying"
"If you want me to have AirPods so badly then buy them for me"
"About that-"
"Exactly now let me listen to my music. The whole point about headphones is so I can't hear you"
"Wellllll you cant hear anything cause they're tangled"
"UGH I HATE YOU" I yell at the headphones
"Babe relax. Here let me see them" Jack pulls over and you hand them to him
He untangles them and hands them back
"Now you can stop complaining"
"Yay! Thank you so much"
"No problem."
You put them back in and for some reason, some how they tangle again
Jack starts laughing and you pout.
You come up with a plan and smirk leaning over, taking his AirPods from his pocket
He glares at you and you shrug
"Well you told me to get AirPods so I got them"