"why aren't you talking to us" Jonah asks you after the countless of hours of you ignoring them
you still don't respond and continue to text on your phone
"seriously y/n we didn't mean what we said" Zach apologizes
you roll your eyes and put your phone down
earlier that day the boys werent even doing anything and you asked them if you could spend time with corbyn your boyfriend of 2 years and for some reason they got mad.
*a few hours earlier*
"hey guys can I borrow corbyn for an hour you guys arent really doing anything right now"
"seriously y/n why right now" Daniel asked
"its just an hour and you guys arent even doing anything"
"oh my god stop being such a self centered bitch and let us be with him" zach muttered
"what was that" you asked
"he called you a self centered bitch now go away" jack said
"so im self centered because I want to be with my boyfriend"
"exactly now leave" Jonah yelled
"wow. I can't believe you guys" you say tears running down your face
*present time*
"what do you guys want now" you say angrily
"forgive us we know what we said was harsh and uncalled for but still" Daniel says
"okay I forgive you happy now just go away"
"we know you don't forgive us... why wont you forgive us"
"I dont know maybe because I don't like being called a 'self centered bitch' just a thought"
"we didn't mean that" jack says
"oh I am sure and you... you cant even stand up for your girlfriend I didn't even do anything I just asked if I could hang out with MY boyfriend for ONE hour" you say pointing to Corbyn
"sorry" he whispers
"whatever can you all just go away" you ask annoyed with them
"ugh this is useless" Daniel whines leaving the room
the boys all follow except for Corbyn
he sits down and takes your hands into his
"I-im sorry" he says looking into your eyes.
you notice the hurt in his voice and the sadness in his eyes
"its okay"
"no it isnt. I should've stood up for you. I actually really wanted to hang out with you but they beat me to talking to you"
"im not mad at you im more mad at what they called me"
"you do know that youre not self centered or a bitch I mean you do have your mom-"
"hey!" you interrupt slapping his arm and laughing
"you know its true.. anyways you arent any of that and even if you were youre my self centered bitch"
"I feel like I should be offended but im not... I love you"
"I love you too" he says smiling and kissing you
If I wasn't lazy I'd turn this into a smut but well I'm lazy