"AAAAACHOOOO" you sneeze
This past week you've had a really bad cold and fever
It's been so bad that all you can do is sleep
You just want your boyfriend Daniel but unfortunately he's at the studio making music
You are super supportive of him and what he does however this week you really wish he could stay at home and take care of you
"Y/N I'm home" Daniel says finally getting home after a while of being away"In the liv- achoo living room"
"Aw baby you're so sick" he says seeing you on the couch
He tries to kiss you but you move your face away
"No I'll get you sick"
"I don't care. Now come on I want a kiss I missed you"
"Fine but when you get ACHOOO sick don't complain"
He gently kisses you and you feel better immediately
"Have you had lunch yet?" He asks
"No I can't get up"
"Aw well I'll make you some soup okay"
"And here you go" he smiles and hands you the soupYou pick up the spoon and try to eat your soup but you're too weak
"I'm too weak I can't have it" you put your spoon down and pout
"Aw you really are sick here I'll feed you"
Before he does he turns on your T.V playing a random movie. Then he places a blanket over you two and let's you lay in his lap
He takes the soup and puts some on the spoon
"Here comes the airplane woooo" he makes an airplane noise as he spoons the soup into your mouth
"I'm not a baby don't do that"
"But you're my baby so I have too"
You laugh and he continues the airplane thing until you finish the soup
He stands up and starts to walk away to put the bowl in the sink
"Noooo Dani come back"
"Don't worry I'm just putting this bowl away"
He comes back with water and a pill
"Here take this allergy pill you'll feel much better"
You take it and he places the water behind your couch
"Can we go upstairs please" you ask him just wanting to cuddle and sleep with the boy you love
"Of course" he starts to pick you up and you squeal
"Dani what are you doing"
"Have you ever seen baby's not be carried"
"You're so achoo- weird" you tell him and he kisses your forehead
"And you're sick so"
You sneeze a few more times and you get to your room
He places you in bed and quickly gets in with you
You cuddle up to his chest and close your eyes
"You're adorable" he says kissing your forehead again
"Thank you for taking care of me you didn't have to"
"Of course I didn't have to but I always love doing it. I hate seeing you hurt and anything I can do to help I'll do. I love you y/n and you can always count on me when you feel sick"
"I love you" You kiss his cheek and fall into a deep comforting sleep feeling 1000 times better