"Oh no oh no oh no this can not be happening not now" you whisper to yourself as you realize you lost all your contacts
This means you have to wear your glasses which you absolutely HATE
You go back in your room to get your glasses but as you walk in you figure you can try and just not use them for a little bit
You walk downstairs to get some water when you bump into someone
"Ow" you say to yourself
"Hey watch where you're going" your boyfriend Jack jokes
"It's Fine im just joking"
"Haha" you say fake laughing
You go to the cupboard and get a cup
Before you make it to the fridge you bump into the counter next to you
"OWWWW" you say after stubbing your toe
"Are you okay what's going on" Jack asks
"Nothing I guess I'm just a little clumsy today"
"Aw stay safe"
"I'll try"
When You try to walk back upstairs after putting the cup away because you're afraid you'll drop the water you accidentally skip a step and fall up the stairs
"Okay y/n what's going on" Corbyn asks
"Nothing I just missed a step"
"Jack go help her" Jonah says
"I don't need help" you say
You continue to walk upstairs and go into your room
When you're in the room you find your glasses and put them on because you can't stand not being able to see
You put them on and you can finally see... you look at yourself in the mirror and think you look awful
You go back in your bed and go on your phone when you get really thirsty
'Why' you think to yourself knowing you have to go back downstairs
Instead of dying of thirst you figure you might as well just go downstairs with your glasses and try for the others not to see you
The boys have no idea that you have glasses so you know if they see you it will be a surprise
You walk down the stairs with your head down trying to make them not see the glasses"Hey y/n you're back?" Daniel asks
"Yeah I'm actually getting water now"
You get the water and start to rush back upstairs
"Hey y/n can you come here real quick" your brother Zach asks
Oh no... he also doesn't know about your glasses you got them overtime because you started to lose your vision
You walk over to them and put your head down
"Yeah" you say
"What's wrong" Zach asks
"Nothings wrong okay I'm going back upstairs bye" You say starting to leave
"Why aren't you looking at us" Zach says
"Um no reason... Okay can I please go now"
"No tell me what's wrong now" Zach insists
"Fine I lost my contacts and now I have to use my glasses and I look awful" You say
"You have glasses?!?!?" The boys all say
"Ha you probably look even more like a nerd" zach says jokingly
Jack hits his arm
"Zach shut up" you say
"I'm kidding but what do you look like" Zach asks
You slowly lift your head up looking at all of them
"Oh wow" Jack says with his voice cracking
"I know I know I look bad you didn't have to say anything"
"No no you look even better... wait you have green eyes I thought they were brown"
"Colored contacts"
"Oh cool... you should wear your glasses more I love your eyes and you look even more beautiful then before"
"I'll take your advice" you say after blushing a lot
"Ew please stop verbally fucking each other"