*he's not in the band in this*
Y/s/n- your sisters name (5)
Y/y/s/n- your younger sisters name (3)You were at the mall with your 3 and 5 year old little sisters and they really wanted ice cream
"Can we pllllease get ice cream" y/s/n asks
"Yeah please" y/y/s agrees
"YAYYYYY" y/s takes your hand and runs to the ice cream store
She runs in and accidentally hits the cash register
"Woah y/s/n slow down you're going to hurt yourself
"I don't care I want ice creeeeam"
"Hehe y/s/n is funny" y/y/s says jumping up and down in your arms
"Don't be like her" you warn
Soon enough someone comes out of the back room to take the order
"Ooo ooo sir sir ice cream I want Chocolate" y/s shouts at the boy
"Y/s/n be polite"
The cashier comes to the cash register and looks at your sister with a smile
"Hi I'm Zach what size would you like sweety"
"Oooo oooo large"
"Woah slow down y/s/n you know you won't eat all that"
"But it's for you, me, annnnd y/y/s"
"Okay Fine"
"See I told you large please"
"Okay what flavor"
"Chocolate" y/y/s says
"No Chocolate vanilla." Y/y/s says
"But I want chocolate"
"But I want vanilla"
"Girls calm down you can get both"
"YAY YOU'RE THE BEST" y/y/s says kissing your cheek
"Okay now sir get this we want ALLLLL the toppings"
"All?" Zach asks
"Uh huh all"
He laughs and starts to put everything in the cup
"Y/s/n you are so not going to eat all of that"
"Well I'm not going to eat it alone duh" y/s says
"yeah duh" y/o/s repeats
After he finally completes your order you set your sisters down as you pay"Your daughters are adorable" Zach tells you as you take out your money
"Oh those aren't my daughters they're my sisters but thank you"
"Really? Well you seem like you'd be a great mom"
"Thanks" you say blushing
To be honest Zach is very attractive and you are happy you got to meet him
"Oh and by the way you don't have to pay"
"What why not?" You ask
"Because we don't let beautiful girls pay" he winks and slides you back your money with a note on top enscripted big word with his number