"Why did you act like that?" Zach says walking in the house
"What did I do?" You ask
"You didn't talk to anyone you just stood around doing nothing. You acted like a weirdo!" He says
"Oh so I'm a weirdo now!?!?"
"Yes you are."
"I don't think I am."
"Well my friends do and that's what matters!"
"Oh so I don't matter?!" You say walking closer to him
"No y-you matter..." he says as his voice trembles
"Clearly I dont."
"What do you mean?"
"You just said that your friends feelings are all that matter. Well I take that as I don't in your eyes." You say getting even closer
"Babe I didn't mean it like that. I mean at the end of the day you're the one I really care about"
"But that's not what you just said"
"I have a feeling there's no way I'm getting out of this"
"I think I have a way though"
"Oh really and what is that way?" You ask
"You'll see " Zach says as a smirk crosses his face
Before you can even say anything you're being pulled into his kiss and pushed onto the cream colored couch.
"You're going to have to do way more than that to make up for what you said" you say pushing Zach away stopping the kiss
"Oh really. Well I wasn't done you interrupted" he says
"Trust me nothing got interrupted"
"Oh wow. Fine I'll just leave then" he says getting up
"Wait where are you going" You ask
"You said nothing got interrupted so I'm leaving cause why am I here"
"Wait no don't leave I was kidding"
"Oh so you want me now" he says walking back winking
"Not if you're going to be winking" You say laughing
He walks back to the couch and reaches his hand out
"Come on follow me" he says as you take his hand
Soon you're being dragged upstairs into his room. He quickly opens his door and walks into the room.
Before you know it you're pushed onto his bed watching as he takes off his shirt.
"Great view huh" Zach says
"Oh the best" You respond smiling and pulling him towards you by his jeans
You guys start kissing again as he starts taking off his pants. He then pulls away only for a little bit as he takes your shirt off.
You quickly get back to kissing and soon you are both completely naked.
The kissing gets more passionate as you are preparing for what's about to happen.
He releases his lips from yours smirking and without warning he slams his dick into you
"OW" You accidentally shriek
"Shhhh" Zach says still with his same smirk
Soon he starts going faster and then slower. No rhythm but who needs rhythm if it's still a good time.
He returns back to kissing still going at separate paces and you can feel the smile on his face as he knows you're not expecting what's going to happen next
He releases his lips from yours and we are apart once more.
He knows him stopping the kiss makes you go crazy.
He kneels over staring at me.
"What are you staring at" You say giving him that same smirk he gives you
"Just you. I'm simply just admiring the art"
"Well I think the art I'm looking at is much better" You say winking
"Your turn" he whispers
You're in control now. You go back to kissing him but even harder and more passionately than ever.
Soon the places are switched and you're on top of him.
You go from his lips quickly down to his dick but just passing it making him go crazy.
I guess you could say it's payback for him stopping the kiss.
You continue to do this as he stares
"Um babe whatcha doing"
"That's what you get for putting your friends before me" you say
Before he can even respond, your mouth is already full with his dick ready to give him what he was waiting for.
You start and he lets out a gasp
You notice him squirming and look up to see him griping the sides of the bed.
You remove your lips once more and go back up to him.
"Why'd you stop" he says looking down
"That's what you get for calling me a weirdo"
"Well you're my weirdo"