You wake up in the middle of the night to your boyfriend wrapped around your body. You can barley breathe because his head is ontop of your throat. You try to move him off of you but he wont move.
Everytime you move one arm he puts it right back around you even tighter
"Dani" you whisper
"Dani..." you whisper again
when he doesn't answer you keep poking his arm
"stop i'm sleeping" he mumbles
"well you're on top of me"
"but i'm comfortable on top of you" he says
"fine stay like that but at least move your head a little please " you say to him and he moves
"hows that" he asks half asleep
"thats better"
He falls asleep right after and eventually you realize and try to fall asleep as well
by the time you finally fall asleep and get comfortable its morning
"well great" you say to yourself
"good morning how'd you sleep" daniel asks when he wakes up
"it was fantastic" you say sarcastically
"you're lucky i love you cause trust me if i didn't you would have been sleeping on the floor"
"Sorry I was just really comfy"
"Glad to be of service"