"oh my god they are so hot" you exclaim looking at a instagram photo of the new group that has arrived at your school
"omg hes our age and hes in this school i cant believe it" you click on to the youngests own instagram
"okay y/n we really need to get you a boyfriend" your friend exclaims
"um no im fine dreaming about a relationship with this kid"
you and your group of 4 friends reach your locker and as you get there you get a notification that Zach, who youve been stalking for the past week followed you
"omg guys guess what"
"what now" your other friend asks annoyed with you
"he followed me"
"if youre so obsessed with this kid then why dont you dm him"
"what no i cant"
"why not. i mean he did follow you for no reason thats him basically asking for you too dm him"
"okay true but still"
"youre making excuses"
"no im not how do i know that i didnt just like an old pic and he thought i was creepy so he followed me"
"if that was the case you wouldve been blocked" a voice says from next to you
you turn to the side to see Zachary Dean FUCKING Herron talking to you
"uh um uh i- uh huh" you manage to stumble out
"hey y/n we gotta go to a um meeting bye" your friend says causing all of them to leave you alone with the beauty that is zach in front of you surronded by his own group of friends
"so im a beauty huh?"
shit did i say that out loud
"yeah you did"
"i need to start saying things to myself"
"yeah probably anyways wanna go on a date tonight"
"okay ill take that as a yes see you later" he sends you a wink and walks away with his friends
what just happened
"no im telling you once you left i called him a beauty and he asked me out.""That's impossible there's no way"
"Well it's true we're going out tonight"
"Do you even have his number"
"I have his insta" you shrug
"Oh my god is this even a real date"
"Yes it is" zach says coming up from behind you guys as you walk home from school
"You don't even have her number" your friend tells him rolling his eyes
"And that's why I followed you guys to get her number now if you wouldn't mind leave so I can get it"
Oh by the way Zach is your friends ex boyfriend. Before the band at his old school she went and that's when they dated
"And that's why I broke up with you"
"Actually I broke up with you now leave"
She walks further ahead of you guys and he puts his arm around your shoulder
"So here's my number I'll pick you up at 9" he says winking and kissing your cheek running away to his friends in a nearby car
You nearly pass out when he kissed your cheek but you snap out of it when you realize you're at your house
You go in and get ready for the date
Z- I'm here 😉Y- what's with the wink
Z- just an emoji
You laugh and leave your house
You get in the car and he looks at you smirking
"You look hot" he says putting his hand on your thigh starting to drive away
"Thank you?" You say suspiciously
He starts to put his hand further up your thigh
"What are you doing" you ask getting slightly nervous at his action
"Getting ready for later"