"I love you"
"I miss you"
"Love me back"
"I want to be hugging you right now"
"Come here"
"Be with me"
"Stop Whatever you're doing and come here"
"I love you so much" your boyfriend Jonah says as you're doing your homework
"Oh my god Jonah please shut the fuck up." you say not being able to focus on what you're doing
"But I want to be with you" he whines
"Well I want to be with my homework so I don't fail this year."
"UGHHHHHH" he screams
"If you want to be with me so bad then come over here and sit next to me." You say
"Okay thats true" he says coming next to you sitting next to you
Right when he sits he wraps his arms around you and puts his head on your shoulder where you can't write... or even breathe anymore
You try getting him off you but he won't move
"Oh my god I swear" you whisper to yourself
"Oof she yelled your full birth name" Daniel says
"I'd move if I were you" Zach says
"She's about to kill you" Jack says
Jonah is still with you and you still can't write. you somehow manage to get your pen and stab his arm
"OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR" he yelled
"I told you to move or I'd hurt you and you didn't move so I hurt you" you respond
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING" he yells quickly moving away
"Yikes she's violent" Corbyn says
"Go away" you say to the other guys aggressively. They quickly run back upstairs
Jonah moves to the other side of the couch and starts pouting
"You hurt me" he says
"You'll get over it" you respond
"No I won't it hurts a lot"
"Put ice on it" you say continuing with your homework
"Wow you're not going to help me"
"Can you please stop bothering me"
"Stop hurting Me"
"You're so annoying" you say slightly smiling
"I saw you smile. I know you feel bad" he says in a childish tone
"I'll feel bad once I kill you but for now I don't"
"So you're going to kill me"
"IF YOU KEEP TALKING TO ME I WILL" You say glaring at him
"Okay I get it I know when I'm not wanted" he says getting up acting like a child when they get sent to time out
You shake your head and laugh
"I saw that you know" he says
"Maybe I wanted you to" you respond with a slight smile
"Thats it I cant handle it anymore I have to. I'm staying RIGHT NEXT TO YOU and I don't care if you hurt me" he says walking back
He sits down in his old position around you
You lift up your pen to start writing your last sentence and he flinches.
"Aww baby did it really hurt that bad" you ask putting your stuff away
"Yes it did" he answers pouting still
"Well then I'm sorry" you say sincerely
"Even though you're violent and I'm afraid of you I still love you" he says kissing you
"I love you too......when you aren't bothering me" you say as he laughs at your statement