"i love you so much" Zach whispers to you
"i love you m- OH NO" you run away into the bathroom and immediately throw up
you and Zach just came home from dinner and ever since you left you've felt gross
"oh no baby are you okay?" Zach says coming into the bathroom with you
"my stomach hurts" you groan
"what's wrong?"
"i think i-"
"woah woah woah" he quickly grabs your hair as you throw up
"have food poisoning"
"aw i'm sorry i'm sure you'll feel better soon. how much did you eat of it?"
"i don't know it tasted kind of bad so i stopped."
"okay well i guess we're going to stay in here tonight"
"you can go to bed... i can handle this on my own"
right as you say that, you throw up immediately
"yeah no. plus i want to stay and take care of you"
"i don't need to be taken care of Zach"
"baby you're throwing up with food poisoning i want to stay here with you"
"fine but don't be mad at me when you're tired"
"i would never be mad at you for being sick. now do you want anything from downstairs"
"no i'm good"
you throw up one more time and Zach moves closer behind you
you sit on his lap and lay your head back on his shoulder
"id kiss you but i don't want to get my throw up breath on you"
"don't worry" he kisses your cheek and you smile
you start to drift off to sleep but then immediately throw up
"ugh i hate this!"
" i hate seeing you like this. tomorrow let's just stay home all day"
"you have a meeting though"
"it will wait i want to stay with you"
he kisses the back of your head and you hold his hand
"i never got to finish what i was saying but i love you more"