You're at your schools football game and your friends just went to get snacks while you stayed and kept the seats saved.
As you are waiting for them to come back you look how to watch and understand football because honestly you have no idea.
Your friends forced you to come because they knew you would just be at home bored complaining to them the next day.
As you're looking the game up you feel a presence next to you
You look to the side to see a very attractive boy with brown hair and brown eyes. You smile gently at him and he looks out onto the field.
"You don't understand the game I see" he says to you
"Oh how could you tell" you laugh and show him your phone
"Oh wow you really don't. Well I kinda understand it I can explain"
"That'd be nice"
"Okay well you see..." he wraps his arm around your waist and points to each side of the field
Once he's done explaining he keeps his arm around you
"I see you never learned about stranger danger"
"what's your name?" He asks
"Y/N and yours?"
"Zach. There were no longer strangers"
Suddenly it gets very cold. You unknowingly shiver in your seat.
He pulls you closer and you put your head on his shoulder
"How's that"
"Much better"
"Good. Well why do you come to games if you don't understand the game"
"My friends forced me"
"Speaking of friends where are they"
"I don't know but I like you better"
"I like you better too. So which team are you rooting for"
"Not mine that's for sure"
"And which is yours"
"Y/S (school)"
"Oh I go to r/s (rival school)"
"That sucks maybe we could've been friends if we went to the same one"
"Maybe we can be more"
"Here's my number call me" he winks handing you a paper
He leaves you confused until you look to the side and see your friends all staring at you with mischievous smirks
"What" you innocently laugh