request for Chatterbug103007 hope you like it
"babe!" daniel calls me from upstairs"yes dani?"
"can you come up here i need to talk to you it's really important"
oh no
i walk upstairs to daniel and go into our room where he is and i see a bunch of candles and flower petals everywhere
it makes me smile which is something i haven't done in a while
truth is for a while now i've been really upset with myself and how i look
i don't know why, daniel calls me beautiful all the time but it just hasn't sunk in to me yet
even though i feel this way i never have told daniel
i dont know why i just haven't
"is everything okay?" i ask him
"well we need to talk so come up here"
i go on to the bed and he pulls me onto his lap
"about what?"
"well i was looking on your phone to find the number to the pizza place cause you have it and i dont and well i found a text and it made me sad. do you know what i'm talking about"
i know exactly what he's talking about
the only person i told about this was my best friend and i guess he saw that
"well you texted your friend that you thought you weren't pretty enough for me and i just want to know why"
"why what"
"well why do you feel that way and why haven't you told me"
"i don't know why i feel that way i just do. when i look at myself in the mirror i just don't feel pretty"
"well baby you're beautiful"
"you think that but i don't"
"well why don't you"
"i don't know why i can't explain it i just don't"
"well why haven't you told me"
"i just didn't want to make you feel worried about me, you have so much else to worry about and i'm not as important"
"lily you are more than important to me. if you have a problem i want to know about it, that's my job as your boyfriend."
"i'm sorry i just didn't want to put even more stress on you"
"don't apologize to me. just please tell me when you feel bad about yourself or absolutely anything"
"okay i will. i love you"
"i love you more" he kisses me and i smile
"now that we got that out of the way, it's now time to make you feel better"
"what do you mean"
"well tonight's going to be all about you, we're going out to eat wherever you want, shopping wherever you want, coming home and watching whatever you want and then we're going to cuddle and you're going to have the best night on earth"
"i can deal with that"
we laugh and he stands up, to blow out all of the candles
"now come on we're having a you night"
we just got back from doing everything and it was really funhe made me feel super special and happy
right now we're in bed and he keeps kissing me and telling me he loves me
"i love you" he says for the 100th time tonight
"dani you keep saying it"
"cause it's true, i love you"
i hope you liked it i know you didn't say feeling bad about yourself but i took it that way lolanyways if you want a request just let me know this stuff
your name
a description of how you look
which boy
what you want to happen in it
anything else you can think