J- well I'm a 12 idk if this is real I just said any number
Y- okay thanks babe! What about pants
J- depends which type
Y- jeans and whatever else you wear
J- oh well 10
Y- okayyyyyy now how about condoms
J- excuse me
Y- just kidding! I mean I know it's extra small
J- that is so not true and you know it
Y- okay yeah I do
J- anyways why did you need my sizes
Y- well im going to the mall today with Zach for a late birthday gift I'm writing this the day of his b-day btw and I want to buy you an outfit that I like
J- are you saying you don't like what I own
Y- well
J- wow I see how it is
Y- sorry sorry but you dress like a 15 year old
J- rude
Y- babe you know it's true
J- okay fine it is - "So what are you looking to buy for him?" Zach asks as you guys look around H&M I was there today and the outfits I could've made for a boy oof they were hot
"Maybe a t-shirt and jeans"
"Bro Jack literally never wears jeans he's going to hate this outfit"
"Shut up Herron I don't care I'll make him wear them also don't call me bro"
"Hey this is my birthday gift be nice"
"Whatever now help me find some jeans for Jack"
"Okay okay"
You guys walk around the store for a while just looking for an outfit when finally you find something you like
Its basic but perfect for Jack
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"Eh I think he could look better" Zach says as you hold up the outfit
"Oh well I'm getting this for him plus if he doesn't want the shirt I'll wear it"
"Like it will fit you"
"Oh Zachy boy. If you're only wearing it after sex it doesn't need to fit" you pat his shoulder and walk away to buy the outfit - You and Zach get back from the mall and you go to give Jack his outfit
As you walk in the house he turns and smiles
"Finally you guys are back I was starting to think Zach stole you"
"Ha like id leave you for that rat" you laugh and sit on the couch in front of Zach
"So did you buy me something?" He asks after seeing the shopping bag
"Yup and it doesn't look like something you'd wear but please for me try and wear it. I spent my money on this" you hand him the bag and he looks in at the outfit
"Hmm" he says examining it
"Do you like it?" You ask
"I mean I wouldn't pick it out for myself but I guess I could make it work"
"Yes! I knew it. Come on go try it on" you cheer and he leaves with the bag to try on his outfit
"You can stay in the room you know I've seen you naked before"
"Well I want to surprise you"
"Oh okay" you laugh and he steps into the bathroom
After 5 minutes he gets the outfit on and steps out
As he steps out you gasp
"Omg I am a genius"
"You like it?"
"I love it's omg omg ahhhh"
"Do I look hot" he does weird poses and you laugh
"Super hot" you smirk and wrap your arms around his neck as he puts his around your waist
"Well how about I show you my real dick size?"
"Remember the text" he whispers and you smirk
"Ooo yeah I do. Prove to me you aren't an extra small"