Being your boyfriend's photographer isn't easy
you have to take hot pictures of him while trying not to want to kiss him or any of that
and you need to take good pictures so that he doesn't get mad at you
it's also really fun because his photoshoots are in weird cool places
today Daniel and the boys have a photoshoot for this magazine
the photographer for the magazine was sick and so they asked if you could do it since they needed to get the pictures as soon as possible
you immediately said yes because they also offered a good amount of money
"Y/N! WE HAVE TO GO NOW" Daniel screams to you
you quickly run downstairs where all the boys are waiting
"I'm sorry I need like 5 more minutes so the battery can charge"
"why wasn't it charging before!" Zach yells
"it was! the battery's weak I swear, it's just not at 100"
"well it needs to be... we're going to be late!" Jonah complains pacing around
"you guys can go I know where the place is"
"no we all need to show up together"
"Okay well I'm sure it's all charged now just please calm down"
you run back up the stairs to get the battery and sure enough, it's charged
you remove it off the charger and go back downstairs
when you get there only Daniel is downstairs
"let's go," he says angrily
"Are you mad at me?"
"we're going to be late"
"I'm sorry"
"yeah whatever"
he leaves you in the house and you quickly catch up and try to grab his hand, however, he moves it so you can't
"what was that for!" you ask
"I really don't want to touch you right now just go in the car" he rolls his eyes and goes in the car, you following
whenever Daniel is mad at you, you always try to make him not by being cute
it normally works so once the car starts moving you put your head on his shoulder. however, he nudges you off him
upset, you feel tears form in your eyes and you look out the window so he doesn't see
for the rest of the car ride, he doesn't even look at you or say anything, he's just been on his phone texting
you eventually get to the place and you all leave the car
you guys were actually on time and the boys have calmed down except for Daniel who still won't talk or look at you
they have been getting their makeup on and clothes for the shoot ready while you've been setting up for it
the magazine tells you what kind of photos they want and you write a list
once you are all set up you go to find Daniel's dressing room
when you find it, you walk in and see him laughing with his makeup artist, who is a girl
he sees you and stops
"Why are you in here?" he asks you
"I'm already with my stuff so I wanted to come to see you. they said I could"
"oh... well can you leave"
"just can you"
"so you're still mad at me I see. I'm sorry it wasn't charged but you're still here on time so"
"whatever just stay" he rolls his eyes and you sit on a couch near him
y- can you stop being mean to me
d- I'm not being mean
y- yes you are. I apologized
d- whatever
y- stop saying that! can you please just be nice or stop being mad at me... it's going to ruin the day
d- you already ruined it
d- I'm just annoyed okay
y- why... the boys are fine with me, why aren't you
d- it's different. you're my girlfriend and you almost sabotaged your boyfriend's important photo shoot.
y- almost! you are here and it's fine. now the only one that can actually be "sabotaged" is me! the magazine told me that if I do good they'll offer me a job. if I'm stressed that you are mad I'm not going to do good
d- do you really think you're good enough to get that job anyways
y- you know what fuck you I hate you
you are absolutely shocked at what Daniel said and you leave the room angry
you want to just cry and leave the whole place but you get told that it's going to start
all the boys come out of the rooms and Daniel comes out last
you try to avoid making eye contact with him and you start the photoshoot
you've been taking their photos for a while and it's time for a small breakwhile they are on the break you are looking through all the pictures which are all really good
as you're looking you feel a hand on your shoulder
turning around you see Daniel
"go away," you tell him
"no, I want to apologize"
"I don't want to hear it. you're an asshole"
"I know and that's why I'm sorry," he says sitting down next to you
"Why are you sitting next to me I'm mad at you"
"Again I'm apologizing. I was angry at you for no reason and I shouldn't have said you aren't good enough. you are super talented and I'm sure you'll get the job"
"you really hurt me when you said that"
"I know cause you wouldn't look at me. I'm sorry again for saying that. I love you and I really hope you get the job"
"thank you. I love you too sorry I almost made you guys late"
"it's okay" he grabs your hand and leans forward to kiss you
"now let's go get you that job"