"Hi what would you like to eat today?" you ask your newest customer at your restaurant
he gives you his sandwich order and you smile as you put it in
it has been a super boring day with not that many people except for a few old men
yeah they are nice but still you want more people your age
luckily for you, this customer is your age and a boy, plus he is extremely cute
"okay that will be 9 dollars and 27 cents can i have a name for your order"
"sure my name is Corbyn"
"cute" you put in his name and start to make him his sandwich
"here you go Corbyn" you smile and hand him his sandwichhe takes it and starts to eat
you continue to take more orders and it gets slow again
as you wait for people to come in the boy Corbyn comes up to you
"hey" he says
"hi. is there anything i can help you with?"
"yeah umm well first that was a really great sandwich"
"well i am an expert"
"oh anyways the reason i came over here is to let you know that well um y-you're really pretty"
"oh thanks"
"also i know i'm just a customer but i was wondering if maybe one day when you don't have work, we can like um- nevermind"
"corbyn... i know what you're asking. you want to go on a date?"
"if you're into that"
"well i am"
"great well here's my number" he writes down his phone number on his receipt and hands it to you
"text me" he starts to leave but you realize something
"wait corbyn!" you call
"you don't even know my name" you laugh
"it's on the receipt. see you later y/n" he winks and leaves the restaurant leaving you in awe
this is based off a half true storycute boy asked for hot sauce instead of a date *sigh*
if only this happened
*looooooong sigh*
i promise i will write all the requests i keep forgetting