Y- hey Zach are you busy
Z- nope what's up
Y- well I'm bored and sick and I was wondering if you could come over
Z- sure I'll be over soon... wait you're sick
Y- yeah so you can't kiss me but I just need company everything hurts
Z- aw what's wrong
Y- idk just everything's super sore and my whole face hurts
Z- awwwww baby ill be there in any minute
Y- okay thank you I need you well I'm going to bed
After much waiting, Zach finally makes it to your houseYou hear him walk up your stairs and he enters your room
"Hi" he whispers gently moving your covers over your head
You turn to face him and groan as the light hits your face making your head hurt
"I brought you some soup"
"I'll eat it later now I need you to cuddle me"
He smiles and lays down next to you, pulling you close to his chest
"What hurts" he whispers stroking your hair
"Aw, my poor baby... I feel so bad"
"It just hurts so much"
"What do you think happened"
"Well some kid sneezed on me the other day"
"You probably caught whatever they have... but worse. Have you taken any medicine yet?"
"Nope. I woke up, felt awful, texted you, and slept. I haven't even gotten up"
"Oh well that will make you feel better you know"
"Yeah I know but I don't care"
"How about this. After we take a nap, we go downstairs, give you medicine and have the soup"
"Okay and then after we cuddle and nap again," you say with a hopeful smile making him laugh
"Of course" he kisses your forehead and yawns
"Tired?" You ask him
"Yeah I was thinking about you cause we didn't hang out yesterday and I couldn't sleep"
"Well it looks like we both need a nap"
He nods and you guys fall asleep
"Wake up" he whispers kissing your headYour eyes flutter open and you smile
"I'm hungry"
"I am too let's go eat"
You sit up slowly and wince as your head immediately starts to pound
"You okay?" Zach asks worryingly
"My head is killing me."
"Aw let's go get you some medicine"
He picks you up and brings you down to your living room
Placing you on your couch he tries to kiss you, but you put your hand in front of his face
"No, I'll get you sick"
"I don't care"
"I do"
"Well I don't now please give me your germs"
"Fine" you roll your eyes and allow him to kiss you
"Yay I love you and your germs"
"Okay lover boy now go get me some drugs"
He laughs and walks away to find you some medicine
He comes back and you take the medicine as he turns on the tv putting on a random movie
He drapes a fluffy blanket over you and gives you some pillows to rest your head and goes to your kitchen to heat up some soup
You smile as he comes back with a bowl of soup
"I love you," you tell him eating the soup
"I love you more now finish that so we can go upstairs and cuddle"
You eventually finish the soup and now you and Zach are laying in your bedYou're on his chest while he scrolls through his phone
After a while of just watching him go on Instagram, he turns off his phone and turns to you
"How are you feeling?" He asks
"Better... thanks to you"
"I love you" he kisses you and you smile
"I love you more you're the best"
"I know"