"wait y/n isn't that Daniel?" your best friend says
you turn around from your seat and sure enough, it's your boyfriend with some girl
you and your friend went to the mall to do some last-minute Christmas shopping and now you're at the food court eating lunch
"who's that girl?" she asks you
"I have no idea... umm I'm going to go say hi and figure out who that bitch is"
you get up and walk behind Daniel and the girl, and tap Daniel's shoulder
he turns around and is shocked to see you
"oh uh hi y/n what are you doing here"
"it's a mall... I'm getting gifts for you. by the way I'm y/n Daniels GIRLFRIEND" you say to the girl
"so I would like to know why you're here with my boyfriend"
"she's my friend from my hometown, she's visiting so I took her to the mall"
"hmm interesting place to go when visiting... even more, interesting that you didn't tell me"
"can we talk about this at home"
"sure is she going to be there?"
"no, I'm staying with my friends"
"hm okay... well I'm going to go back with my friend oh and umm Daniel make sure your story and excuse is good"
you go back with your friend and sit down mad
"so who is that?" she asks you
"some friend from his hometown town that he decided to take to the mall"
"interesting what are you going to do?"
"When we both get home we're going to talk about it... I hope he's not lying and he's not cheating on me"
"I'm sure he isn't. he loves you"
"Why didn't he tell me about her though"
"I don't know you're going to have to figure that out but seriously don't worry"
you get home from the mall and wait for danielafter an hour of waiting, he finally comes home
"look who decides to come home," you say as he walks over to you
he rolls his eyes and sits across from you
"so tell me who's that girl, why didn't you tell me about her, are you cheating on me, and are we breaking up now"
"First we're not breaking up and I'm not cheating. she's just my friend from high school"
"then why didn't you tell me you were going out with her"
"you didn't tell me who you were going out with"
"cause she's my friend that YOU know about. I've never met that girl in my life."
"so it's okay for you to hang out with your friends without telling me but when I want to hang out with mine that I haven't seen in years it's not okay"
"Daniel ugh you don't understand what I'm saying. you were gone before I even made the plans with her so I didn't need to tell you. you said you were hanging out with the boys but you were with her. it's a difference"
"so you don't trust me"
"well you did lie"
"whatever babe she's just a friend," he says and you start to cry in frustration
"seriously y/n you don't need to cry"
"you aren't listening to me and it's annoying"
"I am listening you're mad that I didn't tell you about her so now you're being a bitch to me"
"seriously daniel you don't have to call me a bitch"
"that's what you're being I'm saying the truth"
"I fucking hate you daniel" you shake your head at him and start to walk away
whenever you guys get into fights you never call each other words like that
"really y/n you HATE me"
"yes, I hate you... you're the worst boyfriend ever. you never listen to me or care about how I feel, and now you called me a bitch"
"I'm sorry"
"no, you're not. you always say that and then go right back to treating me like shit and I'm tired of it okay"
"so what are you doing?"
"I'm packing and going to my friends' house I can't be here anymore"
"but-but y/n we can fix this!"
"I don't want to fix this anymore Daniel. we've been through this before and I can't go through it again"
"so we're breaking up over a friend from my hometown"
"no, we're breaking up because I've finally had enough of you treating me awfully and lying to me"