"Hey Jack?" You say as you and Jack sit by the pool to tan
Today was a beautiful 85 degree day and you figured why not go out to the pool and get some color in your skin
You asked your boyfriend if he wanted to tan with you and he said yes
So you went out to lay by the pool to tan, it was going great and then you started to sweat causing your hair to stick to your neck and all over and all you needed was a hair tie
You looked over at your boyfriend seeing his hair up in a hot messy bun and figured he might as well have another hair tie
"Yes Babe"
"Do you have another hair tie by any chance?"
"No why"
"Are you sure you don't have another one"
"Yeah I am sure why"
"100 percent"
"100 percent"
"Are you lying to me"
"No I am not"
"Are you sure"
"Are you absolutely 100% no doubt about it sure"
"Yes I am absolutely 100% no doubt about it sure. Now answer me WHY!!!!"
"I think you are lying"
"Why do you still think that! I've told you I do not have one!"
"Well with all that hair you sure should have two also I kinda need one right now"
"Wow why you gotta do me like that"
"I'm just saying there is a lot of it and by a lot I mean a lot of a curly mess of hair"
"Hey you love this curly mess of hair"
"Do I? Do I really?"
"And how are you so sure about that"
"Well you sure do like to pull on it while I'm pounding in and out of you"
"What do you not"
"Okay I do but-"
"Nope I'm right you're wrong now stop bothering me I'm tanning"
"Let's go inside"
"But I'm tanning"
"You can tan later but now... I'm going to show you just how much I love to pull your hair as you pound into me" you smirk and he stands up
"Well would you look at that tan time is over" he runs over to you and picks you up
Laughing he carries you up to your room and throws you on the bed
"This is so much better than getting a tan"