request for the_emma_kathleen
if you want one let me know
"baby i'm home!" my boyfriend Corbyn shoutsi would go downstairs and hug him but i am way too weak.
recently i've gotten really sick and it turned out to be the flu
i have all the symptoms and they are INTENSE
i'm burning but at the same time i'm freezing cold, my whole body is aching and hurts to the point of where i can't move, i have the worst cough ever where it hurts every single time i do cough, and the worst part of all i have a super itchy throat that i can barely swallow with
the only thing that makes me feel better is the feeling of my boyfriends arms holding me
since i couldn't respond he clearly knew that something wasn't right
"hello i said i'm- oh"
"hi" i scratchily is that a word say
"aw what's wrong"
"sick don't come close to me"
"oh no you can't be sick"
"well i am now get away"
"na imma cuddle with you"
he gets in the bed and wraps his whole body securely around me
"night night baby girl"
"babe wake up i made you soup" corbyn kisses my forehead waking me uphowever as soon as i open my eyes and sit up my head starts pounding
"ow" i whimper laying back down
"hey take it easy now sit up slowly
i listen and sit up
"now lets go downstairs and take medicine and eat soup"
he picks me up and walks us down the stairs
"are you cold?"
"yes but also so hot"
"you are hot"
"what! you said it"
"you know what i meant"
we laugh and he places me on the couch
he drapes a fluffy blanket over me and turns on the fan
honestly it cools me down while also heating me up aka it's perfect
soon enough corbyn comes back and hands me a pill, water, and a bowl of soup
"here you go"
i take the pill and start eating the soup
"mmm corbyn this tastes so good"
"thanks i made it"
"yeah it's my moms recipe. i used to get the flu all the time and she always made it"
"well i love your mom."
"you know she really loves you"
"yeah she wants to go out to dinner with us"
"well when i'm better we definitely will. now can you come and cuddle with me, it's the only thing that really makes me feel better"
"did you finish the soup"
"finish it first"
"okay dad"
"i think you mean daddy"
"ha ha ha you are so funny" i roll my eyes and take my last thing whats it called of soup
"all done" i smile and corbyn takes the bowl away
after he puts it away he finally comes back and lays down with me
i put my head on his chest and he kisses my forehead
"i love you so much Emma"
"i love you too"
"how are you feeling"
"honestly so much better thank you so much"
"anything for my baby emma"
okay sorry i know it's been A WHILE since i updated this and the_emma_kathleen i am so sorry for taking foreveri just didn't know what to write but i finally knew
anyways if you want to request one i'll try to actually get them done on time lol
your name
a description of how you look
which boy
what you want to happen in it
anything else you can think