"How can you eat that. That's the most disgusting food ever" you say watching Zach eat your least favorite food
"What it's good" he responds mouth full with the food
"First of all don't talk with your mouth full. Second I still don't get how you can like that"
"Come on try it" he says taking some of the food passing it to you from across the table
"Nope never" you say passing it back
He comes across the table with the food and sits next to you
"Are you sure you don't want to try it" he says passing it back and forth pass your face
"I'm sure."
"But it's good" he says tauntingly taking a big bite of it
You look at the food for a little bit contemplating if you actually want to try it. What's the worst that could happen you think
"I know you want it" Zach says
"Shut up no I don't" you say
"Fine. Well I'm going to the bathroom and I'm going to leave this here. Don't take any of it...or do" he says getting up and walking away
You check to see if he's gone and when he is you look over to the food staring at it for a while
After you stare at it figuring out if you want to try it you eventually figure why not
You reach over to the food and take it. When you get it you break a piece off and eat it.
It tastes disgusting as you already knew but you see Zach coming back and you don't make it obvious what you did
He comes back and takes the food away
"Why is there a piece missing. Babe did you take some?"
You shake your head no trying not to smile. You've never been good at keeping secrets
"I see that smile" he says
"What smile" you respond back
"The 'I'm lying but I think you're stupid enough not to tell' smile"
"HA I KNEW IT" he yells
"It wasn't good though"
"But you still ate it"
"I hate you" you say smiling
"No you don't. If you hate me you would've broken up with me"