"are you even listening to me" you ask your boyfriend Jonah after telling him a story about your day
"yes I am listening to you"
"really then what did I just say"
"fine I wasn't listening"
"of course you werent. you never do"
"what do you mean I always listen to you"
"no, this is the fifth time this week that I've asked if you were listening to me and you haven't."
"its only five times"
"Jonah, its Tuesday"
"okay im sorry but you don't have the most interesting stories"
"Jonah, you are an idiot" your friend Corbyn says from the kitchen
"what did I say"
"you said her stories aren't interesting. Ive never dated anyone before and I even know you never say a girls stories aren't interesting" your other friend Daniel adds walking in the room
"exactly thank you Daniel" you say walking away
"wait where are you going" he asks
"to find someone who'll listen to me" you say going upstairs
"no come back ill listen to your story"
"no its probably boring" you say walking in your room and shutting the door.
"what just happened???" Jonah says to the guys
"not sure. but all I now is you're stupid and you need to apologize" Corbyn says
"but what am I apologizing for"
"I don't know, all I know is when a girl is mad you apologize." Corbyn responds
"so do I just apologize for no reason."
"Dude how did you even get a girlfriend. you tell her you're sorry and that you'll never do it again even if you know you will. oh and tell her you love her, girls love when you do that"
"okay thanks" Jonah says running to your room
Jonah walks in your room and sits next to you
"im sorry" he says
"what did you say, sorry I wasn't listening" you snap at him
"I get it. but seriously im sorry I wasn't listening to you I promise next time you tell me a story ill listen. I love you and I want you to be able to trust me and tell me everything" he says with a sweet voice
you can't stay mad at that voice and face
"its okay. I love you too" you say