You and Corbyn were in bed sleeping and suddenly Corbyn hugged you tightly making you wake up
At first, you were confused, but eventually, you hear and feel Corbyn crying
you know he's crying because you can feel shaking and you hear him whimpering
you turn around facing him and see the tears
quickly, you wipe his tears and kiss him making him wake up
"what's wrong" you whisper playing with his hair
"baby you're crying in your sleep there's something wrong"
"i-i had a bad dream"
"aw baby what happened in it"
"y-you left me"
"I did? where did I go?"
"i-i don't know. we were here in bed and you said you were going downstairs to get something to drink... but you never came back. I went downstairs and there was a note saying you were breaking up with m-me"
"oh well don't worry I'm not going anywhere"
"yes I promise I love you too much to ever leave"
"am I a good boyfriend?"
"yes, you are the best boyfriend ever."
"do you love me?"
"yes Corbyn I told you this"
"d-do you want to be with me forever"
"yes I'm GOING to be with you forever"
"do you w-want to have a family with me"
"yes Corbyn... why are you asking all these questions"
"cause I love you and I want you to be mine forever and ever and I want to have babies with you and dogs and cats and animals and everything. I just need you in my life and I want to make sure you want that too. I know you love me I just needed to make sure"
"Okay well don't worry about it, please. I want and need all those things as well. we are going to be together forever I promise"
"good... can we go back to bed now I'm tired"
"of course now if you have another bad dream just wake up and you'll see me. I'm always going to be here for you I promise"
"I love you so much"
"I love you too baby now get some sleep you need it"
I feel like it's always the girls being worried about the boys leaving them so I switched it around