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"y/d/n can i see you up here for a second?" Corbyn, your daughters teacher says to her

"yeah" she answers and walks up

"is everything okay?" she asks

"not really. you're failing"

"what! failing i can't be"

"i'm sorry but you are. i'm going to have to call your mom so we can have a meeting about this"

"But Mr. Besson can't we just keep this between us"

"no y/d/n she needs to know. i already talked to the office and they called her"

"ugh she's going to kill me!"

"i'm sure she won't kill you now go study for the test tomorrow"l

back at home you just got the call that she's failing and you're getting ready to meet with him

what your daughter doesn't know is that you and Corbyn have been communicating a lot about her grades

they started falling really quickly and so he emailed you to see if you knew why

and you of course did

you and her dad got divorced a few years after she was born and she never really knew him

when she was old enough to realize that she didn't have a dad like everyone else she asked what happened to him

and in a panic you told her that he died

however, recently you admitted the truth and she was heartbroken

once you told her, the next week her grades started going down

it eventually becomes the time you need to go in and you head to the school

at the school your daughter is waiting nervously with Corbyn

"be ready Mr. Besson she's going to be mad"

"i'm sure she won't be"

"i know my mom you don't. anyways what's your real name"

"Mr. Besson"

"no disrespect but i KNOW your birth name is not Mr. Besson"

"to my students it is"

"but i'm your favorite student"

"says who"

"it's obvious. anyways once you see my mom i'll be your favorite"

"what does that mean"

"my moms very pretty and all random men want her. unless there's a Mrs. Besson"

"there's not"

"perfect my moms single too"

"i'm not going to date your mom"

"wait til you see her.. unless you're old my moms 29"

"i'm 30"

"omg it's perfect mr. besson! now what's your real name"

"oh would you look at that your moms here"

you walk in the room and walk over to where they are

"hi mrs. y/l/n" Corbyn says to you

"call me y/n... so y/d/n is failing i've heard" you say looking at your daughter

"yes so i just want to see if we all can figure out what's been going on and ways we can help to bring the grade up. now i know that
y/d/n is smart i mean she's skipped a whole grade so there's probably something else. y/d/n do you know"

"there's a few things my dads actually alive... my whole life is a lie, umm i can't focus on studying because my mom cries at night for being sing-"

"y/d/n!!! i don't cry at night"

"i hear you mom it's okay we all have emotions... maybe mr. besson doesn't though"

"be nice!" you say to her

"hey he won't tell me his name"

"anyways let's figure out a way to help you get your grades up"

"date my mom"

"okay y/d/n go sit in the car please"

"why this is supposed to be for both of us"

"you're being disrespectful and not contributing"

"i just want to know Mr. Bessons real name" she says sadly

"it's Corbyn" he says smiling at her

"okay now can we just bring my grade up please. i don't want to be a failure"

"how about this, I will give you some worksheets to do and if you need help with anything i'll give my number to your mom and she can text me"

"more homework! Corbynnnn"

"i didn't tell you my name for you to call me it"

"whatever i don't want more homework"

"y/n would you allow me to give her some worksheets"


"wow you guys hate me"

"no we don't. oh here's my number" Corbyn says handing it to you

"thank you"

"wait i'll do them on one condition"


"you guys go on a date... my moms sad and lonely and Corbyn you're a teacher with no wife and you'll probably not get one soon"

"okay enough y/d/n go to the car"

"fine this is a boring conversation anyways"

she leaves the room and Corbyn hands some worksheets to you

"thank you... i'm sorry if she's annoying in class" you joke

"don't worry about it she's not annoying... for now as long as she doesn't start calling me my name. umm i know this is kind of wrong to say because you are my students mom but if you were open to it i'd love to go on a date with you u-"

"id love to as well... uh i have to go bring her home but i'll text you... bye corbyn"


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