"Hey get ready we're going to the beach in an hour" Jack tells you randomly
"umm can you tell me a little bit earlier"
"i told you an hour early now get ready"
"but- you know what nevermind" you get up from your place on your couch and start to get ready for the beach
"hey you ready?" he asks you walking in your room"yup how do i look"
"good i better well let's go"
you happily take Jack's hand and you guys drive to the beach
"it's so beautiful outside" you say in awe at the sight of the palm trees
"eh maybe. but i think it's much more beautiful in here" Jack says putting his hand on your thigh
you smile and place your hand on top of his
"i love you" you tell him and he laughs
"i love you too"
you guys make it to the beach and no ones there"umm J? is it closed" you ask
"nope come on let's go"
"but no ones here and it's the middle of the day. i'm pretty sure it's closed"
"i know for a fact it's not now let's go"
"okay fine"
you step out of the car and jack leads you towards the beach
"i really think it-"
"-shh just relax" jack cuts you off with a kiss and you sigh
"it's okay just enjoy the peace"
you nod and you guys walk onto the sand
when you make it to the sand, you see quite a few shells everywhere in a perfect shape
however you can't make out which shape it is
"woah jack look" you point and he smiles
"i wonder what it is"
"can we look"
"of course"
you guys walk to the shells and they're all beautiful
"omg jack we have to walk around and collect all the shells! can we can we please"
"sure why not" he smirks and you look at him confused
"why are you smirking?"
"cause i want to"
"okayyyyy" you say suspiciously
putting his creepiness to the side you start to walk around and collect the shells
"they're so pretty" you squeal midway
"you're so pretty"
"what! you are"
you shake your head and continue to walk
you finally finish walking around and you and jack walk towards the shore to look at the patternyou look at the pattern and your eyes grow wide at what is says
'will you marry me'
"omg jack we ruined someone's proposal... jack? jack where are you" you look around and he's not next to you
"psst" you hear from behind you and you turn
you gasp as you see jack kneeling in the sand with a ring box showing a beautiful ring
"oh my god!"
"so answer the question" jack laughs
"OF COURSE ILL MARRY YOU" you scream and hug him
however seeing as he was kneeling you both fall onto the sand
its been a while buuuut i'm here and i'm backif you requested an imagine i'm sorry that i haven't uploaded it
BUT i will soon soooo if you want to request one here's what i need
your name
a description of how you look
which boy
what you want to happen in it
anything else you can think