"CAN YOU MUTE THAT PLEASE" you yell towards your boyfriend as his phone dings for the 18th time
"Sorry sorry"
You and Daniel were watching a movie, however the whole time he was texting
Its really annoying cause all you wanna do is watch a movie you love with the boy you love but he can't get off his stupid phone
"Who are you even texting"
"No one it's the group chat"
"Really I haven't gotten any texts"
"It's the one with only the guys in it"
"Oh well just please turn off your phone and let's watch the movie"
He nods and turns it off however you see out of the corner of your eye two suspicious texts
?- when are you coming to see me again I miss you
"Who's that?" You ask
"Your phone who's texting you"
"I don't know one of the guys. We went over this"
"Can I see then?"
"Fine" he rolls his eyes and hands you his phone
You open the message from the random number and your heart breaks as you scroll to the top
?- hey baby
D- hey can I text you later I'm busy with my girlfriend Right now
?- sure but i need to see you soon it's been to long dani
D- I know
?- when are you coming to see me again I miss you
"Seriously Daniel what the fuck is this" you show Daniel the phone and he rolls his eyes
"Its literally nothing"
"Oh really so another girl is texting you calling you baby and asking to see you again and that's nothing"
"You're making a big deal"
"Of course I am you're cheating"
"No I'm not that's literally-"
"No I don't want to hear it. How could you cheat on me... I thought you loved me"
"I do that's my-"
"That's your what Daniel. Your girlfriend"
"cause she can have you I don't want you no no no"
"Fuck You Daniel. How could you say that to me"
"I didn-"
"We're done Daniel James Seavey"
"Y/n" you stand up and slap him repeatedly
You continue to say rude things to him and he finally grabs your hands
"Wait what"
"That's my literal grandmother texting me. I haven't seen her since I moved relax"
"Then why is she calling you baby" you move your hands to your hips and stare at him
"That's what she calls me! What does your grandmother call you"
"Baby" you mumble
"Exactly. Now relax id never cheat on you"
"I'm sorry for overreacting"
"It's okay now sit down and watch the movie"
"Okay but I might fight your grandmother cause no one calls you their baby unless they're me"