Today's the day
You are going to meet Daniels mom, dad, brothers, and sister and you are super nervous
You've only spoken to them over the phone so this is a big step
"Babe you ready?!?" Daniel asks
"Um yeah I guess" you look in the mirror one more time and after fixing your hair for the 30th time you leave the room
"Sorry I was just making sure I look perfect" you say walking down the stairs where Daniels waiting
"Well you look beautiful always" he kisses you softly and grabs your hand
"Shall we go?" He asks in a British accent making you laugh
"Yes we shall"
"Well Your chariot awaits"
You arrive at his parents house and you are more nervous then ever"Relax babe it's going to be fine" he puts his hand on your leg stopping you from moving and it works
"They're going to hate me dani. I don't want them to hate me"
"They won't. I've already told them how nervous you are"
"What I wanted them to be prepared for you to embarrass yourself"
"Relax im kidding, anyways they're staring out the window so we should go"
You look towards his house and they're all looking out the window making you so much more nervous
Reluctantly you step out of the car and Daniel grabs your hand
You make it up to his family's house and he knocks
A few seconds later and nice a lady who you guess is his mom opens the door
"Dani!" She exclaims pulling him into a hug
"Hi mom" he laughs and she pulls away from him
She turns to you and shakes your hand
"You must be y/n nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too" you smile and you guys go into his house
He hugs everyone else and introduces you
"Well Mom, Dad, Tyler, Christian, Anna this is my girlfriend y/n"
They all smile at you and you shake their hands as well
"Well lets eat" his mom smiles and you walk to the table
Taking a seat next to Daniel he grabs your hand
You look at him and smile holding on to it tightly out of nervousness
"Relax" he mouths and you release his hand slowly
He smiles once more and his mom gives everyone food
"So y/n tell us about yourself" his dad says
"Oh well I'm 20, I moved here when I was 3 LA just for this, I like to write, I've never really been good at sports, and um that's really it I'm not very interesting"
"Oh cool. So how did you two meet?"
"It's a really weird story. I was at the store and when I was leaving I accidentally went into Daniels car thinking it was mine"
"Yeah and I was very confused why a random girl was in my car"
"Sorry" you shrug and everyone laughs
The dinner just ended and everything went greatYou learned something's about Daniel and his family and they learned a lot about you
They really like you and you like them
You told a few jokes that they laughed at
All in all you are really happy with how everything worked out
You honestly fit perfectly into the Seavey family and hope one day Daniel will ask the question that will solidify your stance in the family
You are about to leave but before you do his mom pulls you aside
"Hey y/n can I talk to you for a second"
"Sure... Whats up"
"I just wanted to say I'm really happy daniel found someone like you"
"What do you mean"
"Well i just see in his eyes how much he loves you. Seriously the way he looks at you is insane. He's never looked at anyone or anything like that before and I'm happy it's with you. You seem like an amazing girl and from what Daniel tells me you're an amazing girlfriend to my boy. So thank you"
"Oh of course I love Daniel too. I actually think I love him way too much seriously it's crazy"
"That makes me happy. Now I'm sure you and Daniel need to go so again thank you"
"Of course well it was nice to meet you"
"It was nice to meet you too"
She hugs you and you guys say one final goodbye to everyone before you leave
Daniel grabs your hand as you get into the car and you smile at him
"They like you"
"Yup. Wait what did my mom say to you"
"Oh she just told me how she's happy you found someone like me and that you look at me with more love than you've ever looked at anything before"
"Aw wow she's right"
"Well I do love you more than anything else"
"I'm glad because I love you too"
"Yeah but guess what"
"I will always love you more"
"Yikes sorry dani but that's impossible"