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Andrea bid her mother goodbye as she left to go pick up Dustin and bring him home from his camp

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Andrea bid her mother goodbye as she left to go pick up Dustin and bring him home from his camp. The girl had quickly got up and she noticed as Steve had left the clothes that Andrea had stolen folded in a neat stack and placed on her bed with a small note 'here you go, princess - s.h.'

The girl changed quickly, letting her curls out of their imprisonment in her braids. Changing into a white and red sundress. The straps were very thin but Andrea wasn't too worried. It was flowy at the bottom despite it being cinched around her chest. The fabric had strawberries printed all over it and had a belt that hung around her waist.

Andrea had let her Mom get it for her so that she wasn't just in shorts and jeans all the time. The girl didn't complain about wearing this dress due to her eternal love of strawberries, thanks to Nancy and Steve introducing her to the fruit.

She walked back over to the pile of clothes she had of Steve's. Pulling the note off of it for a moment and staring at it before placing it back down and putting the clothes away.

Andrea smiled at the note once more before she walked out of the room. She walked into their living room and began to decorate around, trying to get everything ready for when Dustin would get home. Their friends even came over to help out.

"He's here!" Will exclaimed, giving everyone the alert to hide.

Andrea sat on the couch and greeted Dustin as he entered. It would've been strange if she had hidden so she knew that she had to be the one that stood out.

"Dustin! I've missed you," Andrea pulled her brother in for a hug, "How was camp? Did you have fun?"

Dustin smiled, though Andrea could tell it wasn't fully genuine, "It was fun. It was everything I wanted it to be."

Andrea twisted the cap on his head around, "That's great."

"Yeah," Dustin moved away from her before she could say anything.

She frowned knowing that he must've thought everyone forgot about him. She watched as he walked into his room and placed his bag down. She leaned against his door frame as he sat down on his bed.

"At least someone missed me," Dustin sighed as he looked over at his turtle.

Andrea frowned at his reaction before giving a small nod signaling for Eleven that it was go time. The girl uses her abilities and makes his toy robots turn on and move around. Dustin looked at his sister but noticed it was not her. Dustin began to look around his room frantically as everything began to make noise.

Dustin began to follow the train of toys and Andrea moved out of the way. She laughed as Dustin grabbed his hair spray and followed the toys out into the living room.

"It's just a dream, you're dreaming," Dustin tried to tell himself as Andrea followed behind him.

Andrea was trying to keep herself from laughing watching how her brother reacted. She watched as he ran over to the toys once they stopped moving and picked them up, inspecting one at a time while the others came out from behind the wall. Lucas fixed the welcome poster around in his hands.

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