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It had been nearly an hour or two since the group's arrival at Skull Rock and Eddie had eaten quite a bit of the food that had been brought to him

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It had been nearly an hour or two since the group's arrival at Skull Rock and Eddie had eaten quite a bit of the food that had been brought to him. He had clearly been hungry and starved during his time and lack of food, Andrea hoped he hadn't gone too much without.

Andrea stood with her hands on her hips as Steve stood at her side. Her free hand fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist, her paper ring being safe with Steve's back at the Harrington home. The world around them was calm for a moment, the area around Skull Rock was secluded so they wouldn't be found. 

Andrea leaned her head from side to side as she popped her neck, a loud pop causing everyone to turn their head to her before shaking their heads. 

In all honesty, Andrea was tired of the bullshit.

"Can you explain to us what happened?" Nancy asked as she looked over at Eddie, "The cops said that there was another murder... one of the basketball players."

"Give him time, damn, it just happened," Andrea couldn't help but shoot as she placed her hands on her hips, "Or do you not care how others feel, Nancy?" 

If you would've gotten ahold of Andrea upon their arrival, she would've been stumbling around with a headache not looking for a fight. Though, here she was now. Her headache had subsided to barely anything and her fuse was lit. 

"I'm sorry that I actually care to find out answers," Nancy snapped as she looked over at Andrea, "Honestly, ever since you found out what you found out, you are a liability, Seven."

"Hey, not cool," Steve defended Andrea as he pointed a finger at Nancy with a warning look.

Dustin looked a little worried but he was clearly mad at the small nudge as well, "Her name is Andrea. Use it."

Andrea felt her chest tighten as Eddie went, "Whoa, whoa, stop that. We don't need her riled up. She'll throw you-"

"Eddie, please be quiet," Andrea looked over at him, giving a smile that caused him to move back before she turned back to Nancy, "You really are a character, aren't you Wheeler? Not caring about anyone else's words. You have to always be right, don't you? You're the one who got Fred killed."

Nancy scoffed as she shook her head, Steve trying to get between the two, "Let's cool down. Think rationally."

"I got him killed?" Nancy shook her head as Steve's hand stopped her from moving any further forward, "Aren't you the one who loses every single time to Vecna? Getting more and more people killed?"

"That's not cool, Nancy!" Dustin yelled as he looked over at the girl, "You try being in Andrea's shoes for once, not everyone has your life!"

"Listen to Little Henderson!" Steve followed suit with Dustin's words defending the girl he loved.

And that was what set Andrea off. 

"I am," Andrea snapped as she looked at Nancy before flipping the middle finger, "Fuck you. No wonder your boyfriend doesn't want to come back, I wouldn't either if I came home to a raging bitch like you."

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now