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As she thought deeper and deeper, every shot that Nancy had picked up pointed back to him

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As she thought deeper and deeper, every shot that Nancy had picked up pointed back to him. He was alive around the time of the murders. The way the numbers... the way they died tied in. He disappeared and then he was dormant until the gates opened.

It couldn't be him? Could it?

The realization that Andrea had in her mind caused her head to spin in circles as if she had no neck. Andrea did not know what she was going to do if this was true - if her suspicions, her hypothesis were true. He had used her once, he could easily do it again.

And what would that do for her family? Get them killed? Have her be the one who killed them? Have her be the reason that they died?

Andrea was holding onto Robin's arm as the two walked out together. Running quickly down the stairs while trying to get the others to copy over the radio.

"Dustin, do you copy?" Robin questioned as she held onto the radio and Andrea.

"Yeah, I copy," Dustin's voice came through the radio rather quickly.

"So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bull's-eye but the next to victims are picked out," Robin spoke through the radio as the girls reached the bottom of the steps.

"Okay, that's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now," Dustin came back through.

"Wait, did Andrea see something?" Steve's voice came through before it went out.

"Yeah, she did. What are you doing?" Robin questioned as Andrea let go and slid back into the car.

"Breaking and entering into school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files," Dustin explained, Steve not coming through yet again.

"Can you repeat that?" Robin questioned as she entered the car.

"Just get your ass over here, stat. We'll explain everything."

Nancy looked over at Robin before looking at Andrea who was sitting comfortably in the car, "I thought they were talking to Ms. Kelley," Nancy was clearly

"We leave them alone for two hours," Robin sighed as she pushed down the stick of the radio before getting into the car.

And so the car ride to the school began.

Andrea found herself growing more anxious by the minute. In the reflection of the window, Andrea could still see the cards being held up causing her to back away, further into the seats.

"Andrea?" Robin's voice caught her ears making her turn forward.

Andrea broke her gaze from the window as she slowly turned her head to Robin.

"You can still see... something, can't you?" She questioned causing Andrea to nod.

"Is it still the cards?" Nancy questioned as she focus on the road ahead, the headlights being the only thing making the road visible.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now