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Andrea took notice as Steve stalled moving for a minute, he hurried Eddie as the man ran back and grabbed something before running back off

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Andrea took notice as Steve stalled moving for a minute, he hurried Eddie as the man ran back and grabbed something before running back off. Steve gave Andrea a look of confusion as he ran his hand over his mouth.

"What's Mordor?" Steve questioned as he looked visibly confused by this.

Andrea herself did not know what Mordor was. She figured it was something that would be explained along the way of their journey. It was probably some super nerdy reference that not even Andrea would understand but she hoped she would in the coming future. 

Andrea shrugged her shoulders before looping their arms together, "I guess we're about to find out, darling."

And they didn't Even as they walked through the woods for the oncoming hours the two never really figured out what Mordor was. They just figured out that Nancy Wheeler had some sort of stick up her ass that someone needed to yank out to fix whatever the hell happened to her.

And it seemed like the rest of that day, the group was wandering through the woods that resided within Hawkins, Indiana to find this thing that they hoped was a portal. A portal that could lead every one of them to Vecna, and hopefully, somehow, they could put an end to his reign of terror. 

Though something about this didn't sit right with Andrea. Nothing about this did. If there had been portals all along, something would've started sooner...right? The portal had to be new for nothing to have come through it yet. 

And if the portal was new that meant Vecna was making more portals to get through to their world, and telling from their lovely father-daughter talks, Andrea knew he wanted to end everyone when he came through to their world.

"Steve," Andrea whispered as the two walked side-by-side, trailing a bit behind the group.

Steve turned his head to look over at Andrea, his head tilting ever so slightly to the side, causing her to smile, "Yeah?"

Andrea remembered the old project she had helped Dustin which, using vinegar and baking soda, "If I'm vinegar then you must be baking soda, because you make me feel all bubbly inside," She joked, trying to distract herself.

Steve shook his head as he let out a small laugh, "Not the science jokes, Henderson's rubbed off on you."

"What? I'm trying to brighten this neverending journey - or shall I say neverending story?" Andrea placed her hands on her hips as a genuine grin placed itself on her lips.

Steve placed a hand on his forehead as he acted like a disappointed mother, "Andrea, doll... I think it's time we talk about this serious... serious problem..."

"This serious problem being my need for-" Andrea's mouth was covered by her husband's hand as Robin's head turned.

Robin shook her head at the two as she let out a small laugh making a small comment to mess with them, "The Harrington's shooting their shots with each other as if they aren't already married."

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now