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Andrea woke up in the early hours of the morning due to the feeling of movement around her, the sunlight beaming in through the room through the curtains

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Andrea woke up in the early hours of the morning due to the feeling of movement around her, the sunlight beaming in through the room through the curtains. Her eye's barely fluttered open as sleep held her down. She barely caught sight of the man who laid awake beside of her, his hand rubbing up and down her side.

A soft hum left her lips as she tried to pry her own eyes open. The sound alerting the man that she had begun to wake up. It was no earlier than eight in the morning, and to Andrea that was early, but it was awfully quiet for once.

Usually, there were the sounds of wind or just the sounds of the environment outside of the homes. For once, there was nothing. And in her tired state, Andrea could not help but think, even the trees are scared...It was a silly thing to think, but she truly believed it.

"We've got to go soon," Steve spoke as he looked at the girl, "We've got to go and help the others."

Andrea left out a sigh as she buried her head further into the pillows, "I know," Her voice was muffled but Steve still understood what she was saying. 

She wanted nothing more than for this all to just disappear. For everything to be normal for once. Out of the entire time that Andrea had been out of the Lab, she had never had a normal year. Saying she had a normal few months was even pushing it with everything.

It was honestly really sad. Andrea had believed that by leaving the lab that she would be able to be normal. That she would be able to live a life. She had lived her life, but in the chaos that ensued. The town never had a stopping point. Everything was constant.

"Are you going to get up?" Steve's hand continued to run over her back, settling down on her spine causing her to let out a small laugh.

No, Andrea thought in her mind. Not wanting to get up in all honesty. Her head was still pounding, though it wasn't as bad as the night prior, and she wanted nothing more than to stay in bed and go back to sleep. Hoping that sleep would save her battery and mind.

But she knew that was unlikely to happen. Her friends needed her, despite how they treated her in the recent events. To them, she was just a weapon, a weapon that had been failing at its job recently. No matter how hard she fought or how hard she pushed herself, it was never enough. 

Andrea lifted herself up as she swatted his hand away, "I guess I am now," She pouted before sliding away from him, "I'm pretty sure I've still got some clothes here." 

"Yeah, sitting over in my closet," Steve nodded as he made his way up as well.

The two moved on their way to get dressed. Andrea walked into Steve's closet as she found a jean skirt with one of her older belts as well as one of her button-up short-sleeved shirts. She quickly slid the clothes on before walking out and letting her curls lose while her scrunchie rested on her wrist.

Steve changed into a yellow long-sleeved shirt and a pair of comfortable pants. He nodded as Andrea put her shoes on before going to make the call for Nancy to come to pick the two up. Knowing that they were going to find Eddie and as packed as one vehicle was, it was easier. 

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