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Andrea's memories were what kept her grounded and even gave her power

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Andrea's memories were what kept her grounded and even gave her power. She had been taught that since before she could even speak until her teenage years. The more emotion you feel, the better chance you have of being more powerful or achieving something.

The rainbow room looked as calming as ever. Though, it often triggered Andrea's fight or flight responses to see. It was a place of many memories. Memories in which Andrea wished not to remember. 

Her father's appearance slowly changed before he settled in as Peter Ballard. Taking long strides over to her before he sat down in front of her. His white outfit made Andrea want to barf.

"Last chance," Peter spoke as he looked at the girl, "This can all be over. Join me. We can fix this cruel place!"

"And let you kill the people I care for? Haven't I already told you no," Andrea sneered as her hands gripped the edge of the table before she began to pass the cards out, "I'll die before you lay a hand on them."

"You won't," Peter's tone was harsh as he glared at his daughter.

"Who are you to decide?" Andrea remarked as she adjusted herself in her seat, "In that cold fucking heart."

"Mind you, we are not so different," Peter's tone went to one he used when she was a child.

Andrea looked away from him before asking, "Did you know my mother?" She was curious and if she were going to stall, she had to ask different questions.

"Your mother..." He seemed to pause as she brought up the topic, "You got her eyes."

"Who was she," Andrea questioned as she placed her hands on her lap, "Is she alive?"

He seemed to grow distant at that question, taking up more time as Andrea needed him too. This is what she was supposed to do and she hoped to god that her plan was working. That she could protect the people she loved more than anything.

"Evelyn Brenner," Through his dark facade the small glisten of nostalgia went through his eyes, "She lived through her cycle."

"Did you love her? Or was she just part of your motive?" Andrea questioned as she glared.

Andrea tensed up as something in the air changed. Watching as there were barely three numbers sitting in the Rainbow Room while a slightly younger Peter stood watching them with a woman at his side.

Andrea looked across from where she sat to look at her father who simply stared back at her before she whipped her head back around.

Evelyn Brenner was a taller woman, standing at about the same height as Andrea. Vibrant green eyes and skin that was beautifully sun-kissed. 

"Peter," Her voice was smooth to the ears, "Our shift will be over soon. We must switch out with the other orderly's."

"Be patient," He spoke as he looked over at her, holding the same expression but it had a twinge of... longing?

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now