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The flashing of lights, the yells of men, and the snapping of the branches beneath her feet were the only sounds that resided within her ears

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The flashing of lights, the yells of men, and the snapping of the branches beneath her feet were the only sounds that resided within her ears. Her white flats were long discarded behind her, with no clue where they had finally found a resting point. She was finally free, finally unbound from the once place that had held her for so long.

Her feet were torn and bleeding from the ground. The rain had started to come down, weighing down her blonde curls and the white fabric of her dress. She led herself carefully through the new environment. The environment was full of trees and nature. Riddled by the darkness of night, the only bit of light she had was gifted to her by the illumination from the stars and the moon.

The only friends she seemed to have on that dreaded night.

Number Seven kept running till daylight. Through the rain, ignoring the splash of the mud and water that had adorned her body. All that mattered to her was the freedom she had just fought for. The freedom she had just won.

She hid behind a tree as she noticed bright lights by morning. Ducking down from the eyesight of the strange people who wandered around the place. She slowly peered back out into civilization, her head tilting at the sight of the people walking in and out of the place that was now identified as an 'IHOP'. Or so said the sign.

The girl decided to try and get into town, needing to be somewhere safe but she knew that she needed something to eat. So she decided to go into this IHOP and figure out something. She could easily come up with some sort of lie. She was good at that in times of danger.

She took a deep breath and began to walk with her head held high, acting as if there was nothing off about her. She looked alarmed by the door, reading the 'pull' wording over the bar. Her fingers wrapped around the cold metal causing her to make a face of discomfort.

The bell chimed as she walked into the restaurant. She looked around for a moment before a woman looked at her in sympathy. Wearing a blue dress with a tag reading 'Jessica'.

"Hi Hunny, are you alright?" The woman had long brown hair that was teased up, "Need me to call someone for you?"

"No, I'm alright," Seven thought of some sort of lie to give up, "I got caught by the storm last night on my walk. I just need something to eat."

Jessica gave her a kind smile, "Alright darlin', let's get you seated then."

Jessica seated Seven at a table. Placing a menu in front of her. She ended up ordering something called a pancake with strawberries and when it was placed in front of her, she quickly devoured it.

After that, she used her abilities to leave unseen. Slipping out undetected as blood trickled down her nostril. A quick swipe of her finger against her lip before she continued to walk out. Quickly retreated back to the woods before anyone could take any notice of her.

From behind a tree, she looked around the landscape of the town. Gaining new points of view and ideas of where she needed to go.

Over her time sneaking around, she knew she had a lot to learn. A lot to get up into. She decided to live in the back of a women's clothing store. She had access to things that brought her up to date with the world, things that explained to her what she needed to be at her age.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now